Launching a New Church in Mexicali Today
Dave & Dawn with the Muñoz family - front row: Junior and Paola; back row: Damaris, Dave, Daniel, Federico, Blanca, David, Dawn
Today is an important day. Not only do we remember those who…

God is building His Church in Mexicali and Beyond. Dawn and I are excited about how the Lord is working through the life and ministry of Pastor Federico & Blanca Muñoz!
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The Good News of God's Unfolding Plan
Pastor Federico Muñoz leading an outreach in Mexicali, Mexico
Today (Sunday) Dawn and I had the opportunity to participate in our first online virtual missions conference with Village Seven Presbyterian Church in Colorado Springs.…

Celebrating 31 years!
I give thanks for my wife, Dawn!
Today is a special day. Dawn and I celebrate our 31st anniversary today! As Proverbs 31 says, “an excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels” (Proverbs…

The Love of Christ is Touching Lives
Junior, Damaris, Federico, Blanca, David & Daniel Muñoz
Dawn and I spent a wonderful afternoon with Pastor Federico and Blanca Muñoz. They are planting a new church in Mexicali.
Blanca shared with us…

Fun Times & the Gospel!
Pastor Federico & Blanca with their children, Junior, Damaris, David & Daniel
The good news of the gospel for Mexicali!
Our church planters Federico and Blanca Muñoz just held an evangelistic outreach in Mexicali. They made…

God is on the Move in Amazing Ways I'm writing this as I fly from Mexico to Colombia, and by the time you read this I will be in Colombia. We are excited about all the Lord is doing in…

Kingdom Expansion
The Red de Multiplicación conference in Mexico City
I was in Mexico City in May for a big conference with a number of different denominations and churches involved in church planting. There were church planters and leaders from throughout…

Celebrating the Church we Started in Memory of Hannah
Mana del Cielo - The church we built in memory of our daughter, Hannah
We celebrated the first year anniversary of "Mana del Cielo" Church on Sunday, May 5th. This is the…

Kingdom Growth along the Border and Beyond!
Petri preaching in Ensenada at Renuevo church
This weekend I had the opportunity to visit two or our church planters in two different cities. One in Ensenada, which is 1 1/2 hours from us.…