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The Church is Advancing in Mexicali & Beyond!

The Good News of God’s Unfolding Plan
Pastor Federico Muñoz leading an outreach in Mexicali, Mexico

Today (Sunday) Dawn and I had the opportunity to participate in our first online virtual missions conference with Village Seven Presbyterian Church in Colorado Springs. We would have loved to have been with everyone in person, and it would have been nice to see our family there as well, but we did enjoy our time with our Village Seven family.

Dawn and I love getting the news out about what God is doing on the Border, the Baja, and Beyond! It encourages us when others show an interest in what we are doing. It’s fun to tell the story! Really when you think about it, God’s unfolding plan and work is the best story to tell. We thank you for your interest in this ministry and what Jesus is doing through us.

Today I thought I would share one of the videos that I showed to Village Seven. This video highlights the church planting work of Pastor Federico & Blanca Muñoz. They are planting a church in Mexicali, Mexico. It’s so good to see the Lord build His church through them!

Video: Mexicali Church Plant
Federico & Blanca Muñoz – church planting in Mexicali, Mexico
Join us in Prayer!

Pray for Federico and Blanca as they share the love of Christ in Mexicali. Pray that the Lord gives them more contacts and creative ideas for reaching out. Pray that they see a breakthrough this year!

Extend your hands to help our church planters on the Border, the Baja, and Beyond! Donate today by clicking on the link below.

Click here to donate

In His Grip, Dave


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