The Love of Christ is Touching Lives

Dawn and I spent a wonderful afternoon with Pastor Federico and Blanca Muñoz. They are planting a new church in Mexicali.
Blanca shared with us how she felt led to take a walk in her neighborhood, which she mentioned that she doesn’t usually do by herself. Yet, this day the Lord nudged her to do it. As she was walking she met a woman who was looking for her son.

The woman’s son had run away, and she was distraught trying to find him. Blanca was able to encourage her and tell her that she was willing to help. She showed the love of Christ to the lady, and gave her a big hug. While they were hugging the woman began to cry. She felt loved. She felt that someone cared.
Blanca took the opportunity to tell her that it was because of Christ’s love that she was able to care for her and show her compassion.
Later Blanca was surprised to find out that the woman she had met who lost her son is someone that has a lot of influence in Mexicali. This made Blanca feel humbled and grateful for how the Lord worked. In a few days Blanca learned that her new friend had found her son.
God is so good and we love learning how he is faithful to work through his children.
God’s love wins, and this is one of the many reasons we plant churches and seek to share the love of Christ.
Pastor Deivis & Luz Pardo in Playas

The Lord abundantly blessed Dawn and me, because after we met with Federico and Blanca for a few hours Pastor Deivis and Luz Pardo joined us. It was the first time that Dawn and I have been able to meet with all of them together. Deivis and Luz are just getting started on the church plant in Tijuana.
After much prayer they found a place to live in the area where they are going to plant their church. We were able to rejoice with them as they prepare to move in. They are still working on getting everything set up and furnishing their house.
We believe that the Lord has a great plan for Deivis and Luz and Playas and we can wait to watch and see all that he does!
Join Us in Prayer

- Pray that the Lord will provide for all of Deivis and Luz’s needs as they move into their new place.
- They also need some help moving and getting set up.
- Continue to pray for Pastor Federico and Blanca that the Lord will open up even more doors for them to share the gospel.
- Pray for me as I’m having surgery today on my hernia. I’d appreciate prayer for a quick recovery.
In His Grip, Dave
By bwcarey
wonderful story, May the Great God of All, keep you all safe from the snares and traps of demons, and continue to guide you, be blessed, amen, may Mexico be blessed too, may peace and harmony find roots, and may forgiveness thrive as you build your outpost.
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
Thank you for your words of encouragement!
By sustainabilitea
I pray all went well with your surgery. Prayers also for the expansion of all these churches.
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