Here's our group having some fun interacting and passing out flyers this week
Each week as I go out to take Jesus to the streets, and promote our ESL class. I'm so encouraged by the people we meet. It's wonderful to…
Short-term team of college students from Mobile, Alabama
This week on Monday and Wednesday I have a short-term team of college students from Mobile, Alabama working with me to promote our ESL classes. I appreciate them coming out and helping us…
Some of our friends at the ESL lunch meeting
Sunday afternoon Dawn and I had a wonderful lunch with our friends who are involved in the ESL ministry. It warmed my heart to be with these dear friends. I love the…
Our Growing ESL class
It's So thrilling to see the Lord touching people's lives here on the border!
Taking Jesus to the Streets
I mentioned in past posts that we've been taking Jesus to the streets each week, inviting people to our…
Dave with Vicente taking it to the streets each week
Each week we are walking the streets of City Heights to connect with people, and promote our ESL class. Presence and prayer are so important to our work. As people get…
English: An Italian immigrant makes an American breakfast aided by instructional materials from the YMCA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Wow! We had a great day yesterday. God opened a door for us, and I'm excited to see where it leads.
Vicente, Billy, Matt…