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Impact Mexicali for Generations!

God is Building His Church in Mexicali
The church property – Top photo: Damaris, Federico, and Blanca. Bottom photo: Pastor Joel, Dawn, Dave, Damaris, Pastor Federico, Blanca, Viki, and Pastor Juan (from left to right)

On Monday Dawn and I took a new friend, Pastor Joel Yoon from Redeemer San Diego to Mexicali, Mexico. It’s about a 2 1/2 hour drive to the border and another half hour to the church property. We met with some of our church planters, Pastor Federico and Blanca Muñoz and Pastor Juan and Viki Huape. Two very gifted couples who love the Lord.  In His kindness, the Lord has given us a very special relationship with these two couples.

The Lord has blessed us with so many wonderful friendships with the pastors we work with, and they are like family to us. It’s one of the ways we see God redeeming and restoring what we have lost and suffered. God is so good! We give thanks for each of them.

from left to right: Pastor Joel, Dawn, Dave, Damaris, Blanca, Pastor Federico, Viki and Pastor Juan

We took Pastor Joel to meet the two couples and to see the land where we are getting ready to build a church for Pastor Federico and Blanca. While we were at the property Joel was able to encourage them and pray for them. Our prayer is that the wonderful work of the gospel goes forth in a powerful way and brings redemption to many through the ministry of this new church. After visiting the property we also had the opportunity to go to Pastor Juan and Viki’s church and to pray together for their ministry. We thank the Lord for how he is growing the church and changing lives through these two ministries.

God has blessed us in helping to start a number of new churches on the border, throughout Mexico and Beyond, but it never grows old. It is always an invigorating and uplifting experience. It’s hard to believe that we are so close to starting, on October 14th we will pour the foundation, and begin construction on November 1st.

Dawn and I are working with Federico and Blanca to raise the funds so that we can complete this project. We’ve been given a $5,000 matching gift so that donations are matched up to $5,000. Our goal is to raise a total of $28,000 so we can finish the building so that Iglesia Verdad y Vida (Truth and Life church) can begin holding their church services there. We have just under half of what we need to finish. It’s wonderful that we are getting so close.

Ministry in the Park
Federico leading the church in worship in the park

Verdad y Vida church is presently meeting in a park, which is about 10 minutes from the new location. Federico told us that the property where we are going to build is in a good location because it is close to where most of the people involved in the church live. The congregation is thrilled to think about having their own place. Mexicali gets hot, it’s in the desert. Can you imagine meeting outside in a park when the temperatures are often over 100 and sometimes as high as 120? It will be such a huge blessing to have their own building with air conditioning.

Every week as Federico and Blanca minister with their team they are touching lives. New people are coming to Christ, and those who are new in their faith are growing. It’s a church characterized by faithful preaching, prayer, and testimonies of changed lives.

Worship and prayer for the people in the park
Extend Your Hands to Help!

Dawn and I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider giving a donation today to make this dream become of reality. Help us accomplish this God-given vision to impact Mexicali for generations to come! We have been given a $5,000 matching gift so that your donation will be matched up to $5,000. Make a Donation Today.

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Video: God is Building His Church in Mexicali


In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond