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The Great Joy and Marvelous Times of Ministry!

Encouraging and Strengthening Pastors
Some of the wonderful pastors that the Lord has given us to work with

Mark Twain once said, “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” I found this quote while reading one of Dan Sullivan’s books on leadership. Sullivan says, “When you focus on the things you’re great at and enjoy, you’re not only much happier and more productive, you’re able to provide the most value for the least effort.” I like that principle because there are parts of the ministry that I truly love. One of those areas has to do with relationships and connecting with people.  Dawn and I enjoy encouraging and mentoring pastors, and leaders.

A major emphasis in Paul and Barnabas’ ministry was strengthening and encouraging leaders. In Acts 14:22 we observe them visiting the cities and preaching the gospel, “strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God” (ESV, emphasis mine).

It’s such a joy to serve the Lord in this way, and many of the people we work with become like family. We develop deep and long-lasting friendships with our partners in ministry. God is so good in this way, to give us the gift of these precious friends.

Upper Room Church – Pastor Gio and Anai Palafox
Dave and Dawn with Pastor Gio and Anai at their church, Aposento Alto “Upper Room”

Recently Dawn and I had the opportunity to visit a new church plant in Tijuana. The pastor of the church is Gio Palafox and his wife is Anai. They have two daughters. They lead the Aposento Alto, Upper Room church. I preached at the church, and after the service Dawn and I were able to pray for a number of the people who attend the church. Then we had a wonderful meal of pozole, with the pastor’s family and some of the other leaders.

Often it’s in these smaller settings that we really get to know them. They open up with us and share their dreams as well as their struggles. It’s a privilege for us to have these opportunities to connect at a deeper level.

God gives us great joy and marvelous times of ministry!

Showing Care and Concern for Pastors and Leaders
One of our churches on the Big Island is led by Pastor Rolando and his wife, Yolanda

One of our friends on the Big Island sent us this message of encouragement. “You are an excellent pastor, always showing concern for others. This is not very common. I notice that there are fewer pastors and I believe it’s because many of them don’t have someone like you to encourage them.” This message made me realize how important it is for us to show care and concern for the leaders that we work with. When you look at the statistics even in the USA, it’s astounding how many ministers get discouraged and leave the ministry.

Some of our leaders tell us that the things they share with us they don’t feel they have the freedom to share with the people in their congregations. We encourage them to be vulnerable, but at the same time, it is true that it’s not always wise to share all that they are going through with their friends in the church.

The Lord has truly blessed us because we get to do what we love to do. Often it doesn’t feel like work.

We appreciate all of your prayers and encouragement as well. We know that we wouldn’t have the privilege or opportunity to serve in the ministry if we didn’t have a strong team of partners supporting us.

God is Building His Church in Mexicali

Continue to pray for us as the Lord guides us as we encourage and strengthen pastors and leaders. One of the big projects that we need prayer and support for right now is the new church plant in Mexicali, Mexico. Pastor Federico and Blanca Muñoz are leading the church, and we will start building in October.

Praying for and celebrating the new church property in Mexicali
Extend Your Hands to Help!

Dawn and I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider giving a donation today to make this dream become of reality. Help us accomplish this God-given vision to impact Mexicali for generations to come! We have been given a $5,000 matching gift so that your donation will be matched up to $5,000. Make a Donation Today.

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Video: God is Building His Church in Mexicali


In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond