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Good News in Difficult Times: the Big Island

Our familia – evangelism teams out sharing the good news of the gospel

When our familia on the Big Island tells me about their ongoing efforts to share the love of Christ and how the gospel is going forth it lifts my spirit. I find it encouraging that despite the ongoing trials of life that they face daily that they are so faithful to share Jesus with the lost. Three of the pastors we are working with told me that in the last month they’ve shared the gospel with more than 2,500 people and 695 gave their lives to Christ. That’s worth celebrating!

These three pastors also were able to help provide food for 195 people. There are a number of other pastors and churches that we are sending monthly aid to. It’s good to see how the Lord is blessing and in some ways multiplying what we send, so that it reaches a number of needy families on the Big Island.

Sofia with her grandmother

You might remember that I wrote about Sofia a few months ago. Her family is one of the families that we are helping. Sofia’s dad wrote me this week. He said, “May God continue to bless you greatly, my brother, we are very grateful for your words of encouragement, it has served to lift our spirits and strengthen our faith, because the crisis that the country is going through is very strong and sad at the same time, because sometimes we don’t even have enough for bread. But thanks to God and to your words of encouragement. We continue in the battle and we are moving forward without giving up. Pray hard for our country, “The Big Island” and for us, for an improvement, we are at the end of our rope. May God continue to bless you greatly.”

It breaks my heart to receive texts like that. I mean, I’m grateful that my messages, the devotional reflections that I send encourage and strengthen our familia. Yet, it’s hard to learn about the scarcity and the lack that they suffer. This is why your prayers and your support are so important!

Extend Your Hands to Help Those in Need!
Pastor Ernesto and his wife, Denise (bottom left) have been able to help feed the people in their church because of your generous gifts
Some of the women and families that are receiving aid

Dawn and I ask you to prayerfully consider extending your hands to help! Send a gift today to help a needy familyand extend the gospel on the Big Island.

Support one family for as little as $25 a month! Click below to make a donation today.

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Video: Life and Times on the Big Island

We put together a short video to give you a glimpse into how God is at work on the Big Island. At the end of the video some of the people share their thanks. I love seeing these families and hearing their heart felt testimonies!

Thank you for joining us in prayer, and for considering making a gift to help our precious familia.

In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja, and Beyond


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