Blessed to Serve on Mission with God
Dawn and Dave walk on this winding road of faith together
Some days I feel so excited about what we get to do, and who we get to work alongside. Even though working in…
Hannah's Homegoing
A photo of our family taken by Jacob Betchol
#AHANNAHPERCENT - Hannah Elizabeth Diaso One year ago tonight Hannah moved to heaven. She passed into glory. O how we miss our beautiful daughter, and the boys miss their…
La Pieta
Dave & Dawn in St. Peter's Cathedral
Dawn and I had the opportunity to visit St. Peter's Cathedral when we were in Rome. We actually walked up to the top of the dome, which gave us a good work…
Greece & MTW
Athens, Greece
Dawn and I just returned from a LEAD meeting in Athens, Greece. Every three years Mission to the World (MTW) holds a leadership meeting for all our missionaries from around the world and our national partners.
The Earth Shakes Again
The Devastation caused by the earthquake
Amazingly 32 years to the day since the big earthquake of 1985 struck in Mexico City, another earthquake hit Mexico. The earth shook again on September 19, causing much damage in…
The Pain of Loss
The Cross on Mount Soledad in San Diego
Recently I was conversing with some of my missionary colleagues about death and grieving, and how most of us struggle with working through the sorrow of losing someone we…
God Comes Through Again!
Our #MTWMexico Team - Serving Together Throughout Mexico
We prayed that the Lord would show up and He did! I'm on the plane with Dawn returning for Puerto Vallarta from our #MTWMexico retreat. It was a time…
Samson Against Incredible Odds
Renuevo - Ensenada, Baja California
This week, as I was praying the Lord reminded me of the story of Samson and the mighty jawbone. I say mighty because Samson took on 1,000 Philistines with a donkey's jawbone.
The Incubator Church Planters Training
Incubator church planters training
I always get encouraged when I hear one of our pastors refer to a principle that he learned during one of our training events. It means that they are beginning to process…
Give Thanks for the Lord's Mighty Work!
Young Children learning about the Creator of the Universe!
The Lord gave us another wonderful week this year with our friends from Skyview Church and our friends from Renuevo. We came together for the…