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Divine Appointment: A Changed Life!

The Spirit is on the Move in Mexico City

Mario & Silvia with their son, Daniel
Mario & Silvia with their son, Daniel

Dawn and I are seeking to grow in being more sensitive to the Spirit as we go through the day. We are realizing more and more that much of ministry happens in the unplanned moments as we go through our day.
I’m in Mexico City this week! I love this city, because of all our friends here and the many years we lived here.
On Friday Mario Silva and I went out for breakfast at the local VIPS so we could talk. Well, we ordered and just began to eat our breakfast when I noticed a woman sitting at a table near us, and she was crying. I asked her if she was okay, and she said that she was going through a really hard time. Mario and I invited her to sit with us.
We soon found out that her name was Gaby. When we asked her what was going on, through tears she shared, that her husband who is a successful doctor has been sleeping around. Gaby went on to say that she found out recently that he was using Cocaine.
She was broken.

The Love of Christ Lifts Us Out of the Pit

4A5A59BE-5936-4084-8D85-1694D35DE032Mario and I began to share with her how much God loved her, and that was part of the reason she sat near us that morning. It was in the Lord’s loving plan for her to meet us, so we could share the love of Christ with her, and give her hope.
Then after we spent some time with her encouraging her, we also shared the gospel with her, and we told her the only way to fix her life was to let Christ into it. That’s where it all begins!
We asked Gaby if she would like to pray with us to receive Christ and she said yes! I had the privilege along with Mario to lead her in prayer to receive Christ as her Lord and Savior!

Pray for Gaby’s Spiritual Growth & More Divine Appointments

Mario’s wife, Silvia is a very godly and committed follower of Jesus, so we told Gaby we’d like to connect her with Silvia so she could help her grow in her new found faith, and give her some wise counsel as Gaby seeks to navigate some of the challenges she is facing in her life.

Dawn and I walk on this winding road of faith together
Seeking to share the love of Christ wherever we are, and whenever the Lord opens the door!

Dawn is usually the one to meet people in restaurants and share the gospel with them. She’s been a good example for me. I’d say on average Dawn shares her faith with at least one person every time we go to a restaurant and often with even more people. It was encouraging that even though my extroverted wife wasn’t with me that the Lord opened this door for us. Can you say, “Divine Appointment”?
Thanking Jesus! Every time something like this happens I believe it’s one more way that the Lord is redeeming our daughter’s early home going. It’s made Dawn and me even more bold to share the love of Christ with a lost and hurting world. Yay Jesus! 😃
In His Loving Grip, Dave


  • By Mary Lichlyter
    Posted March 19, 2018 at 6:28 am

    Love this!

  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted March 19, 2018 at 9:09 am

    What a wonderful story, Dave! I currently work in a place with lots of high school and college students, making me like Mom to everyone, especially in age. I’ve had the chance to talk with them about all sorts of things, invite some to church (although no one has yet come), and encourage them as well as try to be a good example. I think God put me in this place for a reason, so I’m trying to make the most of the opportunities He provides.

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted March 19, 2018 at 9:26 am

      That’s wonderful that the Lord has given you that opportunity to be a light to all those young people. I’m sure you are making a difference there.
      Thanks for your encouragement!

  • By gmgoetz
    Posted April 9, 2018 at 1:54 pm

    Hallelujah! Praise Jesus for your sensitivity to Holy Spirit, David, and for you being willing to change your agenda for that short period of time to follow His, for the Glory and Kingdom of God.
    God Bless you and Dawn.

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted April 9, 2018 at 4:43 pm

      Thanks for your encouragement!

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