Wow, Lord!
Dave and Dawn in Cuba. Quite an adventure.
All I can say about our trip to Mexico City and Cuba is Wow! Wow! Wow! Well, at least that's how I feel.
I had some concerns as we prepared to go…
Thankful for Kingdom Activity
Incubator Church planting training
We started the new year off running with our church planting incubator training. The activity hasn’t stopped since as I was in Monterrey, Mexico last week to pray and plan about how we…
God’s Faithfulness and Healing Touch
Dawn and I give thanks for all the wonderful pastors and partners we serve with in Mexico
As we begin 2018 I give thanks for all that the Lord did in 2017. This last year has…
Dawn with Hannah
Dawn shared this a couple of days ago on Facebook, and I thought she did a wonderful job of expressing her own pain, and how she can identify with Mary the mother of Jesus. Since we are in…
I Must Keep My Eyes on Jesus
A fun time at our Christmas posada with our friends - the day the music came back to life!
Don Mclean's song, American Pie, sings about the day the music died. The song uses…
Thankful for our Friends and Partners!
Ministerios Transformación pastoral couples and wonderful friends!
Last night (Sunday) Dawn and I celebrated the coming of Christ and gave thanks for all that the Lord has done over the past year with our friends…
A Fruitful Trip to Fresno
Dave speaking at our seminar on Mexico at the GMC conference in Dallas. (We didn't get a picture at Sierra View)
Over Thanksgiving weekend Dawn and I had the opportunity to visit my family in Fresno.…
Find Your This
Our MTWMexico team at our booth (about half of our team is pictured here)
Once every three years Mission to the World (MTW) has a national missions conference called, Global Missions Conference #GMC17. This past weekend Dawn and…
Ringing the Bell for Missions
Dave at Trinity Presbyterian Church
Dawn and I just returned from a whirlwind trip. We started our trek in the Hartford, Connecticut area to visit our son, David Jr., and to help him move. Then we…
Blessed to Serve on Mission with God
Dawn and Dave walk on this winding road of faith together
Some days I feel so excited about what we get to do, and who we get to work alongside. Even though working in…