Growth in Grace, Skills, Knowledge and Abilities
Our group of pastors that are going through the Incubator church planing training
I love to see people grow! It excites me when those I work with learn more, especially when it is something…
Second Incubator for Church Planters
Learning in Community
We are in the middle of our second incubator church planters training. I love the energy that the pastors bring. What an outstanding group! Men who love the Lord, and desire to learn…
Linking for Missions Mobilization
Dawn, Hannah & Dave at MTW's Link conference
This past weekend Dawn, Hannah and I had the opportunity to participate in MTW's Link conference in Escondido. Link is designed to mobilize new people for missions.
We were given…
Incubator Church Planting Training
Church planting incubator training
Pastor Ivan and I met this week to work with on planning and preparing for the incubator church planting training. Next Thursday we start our second phase of the training with 11 men…
The Foundation is Being Laid
Pastor Daniel Nunez with Obed & Cesiah and family on the land where church #29 will be built
Daniel sent me an exciting message earlier today. He said, "we are putting in the foundation today." He…
This weekend Dawn, Hannah and I enjoyed going through the pictures from our first 10 years in Mexico, before we moved to Colorado. It was fun reminiscing, and reflecting on the many good friends the Lord gave us while we…
Encouraged by Stories of God's Grace
Pastor Victor and Sol
Every time I'm with Pastor Victor and Sol I come away encouraged by all the God Stories. The Lord is definitely on the move in Plan Libertador. It's amazing to think…
A Successful Launch!
Pastor Daniel Nuñez Commissioning Pastor Arturo Torres
We are excited to announce the latest church to launch with Ministerios Transformación (MT) in Tijuana. Church number 28, Cielos Abiertos just celebrated their inaugural service on Sunday! Hallelujah.
We weren't able…
My Cup is Overflowing: Tremendous Advance!
Pastor Daniel Nuñez with Arturo Vasquez and his wife on the property for MT's church plant #28!
One of the things that fills my cup to overflowing is to see God's church grow! And it…
Kingdom Expansion
In front of the land where church #29 will be planted for Ministerios Transformación
Today I finished the day feeling fulfilled. I don't always feel this way, but the Lord gave me a wonderfully fruitful day with our partners…