David's Big Adventure
David in front of his new pad in Fairfield
I'm in the process of helping my oldest son, David Jr. move to Fairfield, California. Fairfield is in Northern California between Sacramento and the Bay Area. It's just south…

Our Vision for Growth on the Border, The Baja & Beyond!
The view towards the Pacific from the church plant in Rosarito
Our vision for the Border, the Baja and Beyond is to see church planting movements ignited and flourishing. Some…

Mexico City - Ciudad de México
Reminiscing & Reacquainting
Dave sharing the gospel in Mexico City at UNAM with Isabel Cisneros in 1986Dawn, Hannah and I made it home from our wonderful trip to the big city of Mexico.
This trip reminded…

Mexico Dear to Our Hearts
Dave & Dawn with the Cisneros FamilyOur time in Mexico City after so many years has been special in so many ways. Dawn, Hannah and I (wish David & Jonathan could be here with us…

Mexico City, Mexico, source: prind1m
Mexico City: An Amazing Place!
Hannah & Chivis in Mexico City a few years ago!
I can't believe that Dawn, Hannah and I are in Mexico City again!
We called this city home for almost 10 years from…

Learning From a Pioneer, Dr. Allen Thompson
Dr. Allen Thompson, The Master at Work
I was blown away by all that the Lord is doing in Cuba. Fortunately, I ended up arriving in Havana one day before we began the training.…

Not What I Expected
I wasn't sure what to expect when I went to Cuba. I had heard about the poverty, and the oppression, but I didn't know what I would encounter. It broke my heart to see how much…