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Your Gifts Bring Joy to Our Familia

Jumping for Joy as the Lord Provides
One of the pastors with the children from his church on the Big Island

I just sent a gift, an offering of love to our familia on the Big Island. The messages I received after I sent these gifts were so uplifting. I wish you could see all the wonderful and encouraging messages I receive. I’d like to give you a glimpse through this post.

One of the pastors told me that the funds came just at the right time, and that the people in the church were jumping for joy. The Lord is providing for them. Hallelujah! As you extend your hands in love we are able together to help so many wonderful friends, who are living in desperate times.

I asked the pastors that we’ve been supporting to send me an update, and I learned that now we’ve helped more than 750 people since March of this year. Thank the Lord! The majority of these people have received aid on a monthly basis, because their needs are ongoing. The situation hasn’t improved. The coronavirus has further crippled their already broken economy.

The Horse and Buggy
The new horse and carriage that you gave towards and prayed for was used for the children at a VBS outreach this summer.

You might remember that in May I wrote about Rolando’s horse and buggy being stolen. I asked for prayer and for help to cover the cost of replacing the loss. The horse and carriage are essential for Rolando’s livelihood. He also uses the transportation to help the church as they minister to families and children in the community.

The good news is through your generosity the Lord provided. Rolando purchased another horse and carriage. The church was able to use it recently for their VBS. The pastor of the church where Rolando ministers sent me pictures (like the one above), and they all celebrated God’s grace and his goodness to provide.

Video Highlight of God’s Good Work

I made a short 3 minute video highlighting what Jesus is doing on the Big Island. I’d like to share it with you here.

We give thanks for the Lord’s wonderful work on the Big Island!

Extend Your Hands to Give
One of the families that we’ve help on the Big Island

Please join us in prayer as we just learned that hurricane Laura is effecting the eastern part of the Big Island, so we appreciate your prayers for the Lord’s supernatural protection for the country and the families who live in those areas. There’s already so many difficulties that the people are trying to overcome, because of the COVID-19 crisis. We can be assured that the Lord hears and answers our prayers.

Dawn and I are grateful for how the Lord has used your prayers and your generosity to help the families on the Big Island. Their needs are very real, and heartbreaking, but the Lord has used you to bring relief. The scarcity of food and basic needs is an ongoing reality. Please give to help feed a family today. Your gifts bring more joy and smiles than you can imagine!

Click here to give …

In His Grip, Dave

1 Comment

  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted August 24, 2020 at 12:12 pm

    What wonderful news! God is so good!! The joy on all the faces here is so welcome at a time when the news seems to always seems bad. But of course, that’s what “news” usually is. What a breath of blessed fresh air your posts are. Praying for the hurricane to either diminish or move.

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