Our Road Trip to Colorado

Dawn and I just returned from a road trip to Colorado to visit our family, David & Emily, and Jonathan & Hannah. It’s always such a joy for us to see our boys with their lovely wives. We wish we could see them more frequently, yet we give thanks for the time that we do have with them.
This summer we especially felt like we needed a break, since both of my parents died in the last few months. I’ve felt heavy at times, and the COVID-19 crisis and all the riots haven’t made it any easier. In some ways it was like breathing a breath of fresh air. It was a time to be refreshed and unwind.
We decided to drive to give us a little more time alone, and to enjoy the scenery. It was a beautiful trip, and although we are worn out now that we are back home it was well worth it.
A Time to Celebrate! 🎉

While we were in Colorado we celebrated Jonathan’s graduation from Grand Canyon University. We are proud of Jonathan for completing his degree while working full time, and getting married. He’s always been a very hard worker, and he showed a lot of perseverance by sticking with it, and finishing his undergrad studies.

Another milestone we celebrated with Jonathan was his 28th birthday on August 8th. Jonathan and Hannah planned out a full day of fun which included, golf, breakfast, BBQ and we ended the night with guys volleyball followed by a delicious birthday cookie.
Apart from the wonderful time with our family we also enjoyed seeing some of our friends. We always wish we could see even more friends. Since we lived in Colorado for 12 years we have a number of amazing friends that we love in the State of the Rockies.
Promoting the Lord’s Good Work

I also had the opportunity to meet with some our pastor friends to give an update about the ministry and all that the Lord is doing. Dawn and I are continuing to promote and raise funds for church planting and for the tremendous needs on the Border, the Baja and Beyond which includes the Big Island.
We are so grateful for the generous gifts that have been given. The needs are ongoing. In our communication with our pastor friends the needs for food and basic needs continue on the Big Island. Tourism is one of the main attractions which generates funds for the Island, but the coronavirus has kept the tourist away. Flights into the country are very limited.
Extend Your Hands to Give

Please pray with us for these dear friends and give to help feed these families in need. We’ve now been able to help more than 750 people on the Big Island. We give thanks for that! We couldn’t have done it without your help. Extend your hands to help these wonderful friends.

In His Grip, David
By Bill Sweeney
I’m sorry you lost your parents. I am glad you got this break to spend time with family and friends. I am praying that the Holy Spirit comforts you in your grief.
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
Thank you for your kind words and your prayers. The Lord is comforting us as we walk through the valley.
The Lord bless you and Keep you!
By sustainabilitea
I’m so happy you got to take this trip! I drove from Arizona to Wyoming and spent almost 3 1/2 weeks there, the first week with our daughters. Unfortunately, my husband couldn’t come, but he’s so good about not minding that I go. It was, as it is every year, a true joy. I hope that you came back refreshed and that that refreshment will continue to enrich your lives as needed. Congratulations to Jonathan, too!
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
If you were in Wyoming. You weren’t too far from Colorado Springs. Glad you were able to visit your daughters.
By sustainabilitea
I drove through Colorado on my way to and from Wyoming. 😉
By sustainabilitea
Went right through Colorado Springs.
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