The Challenges & Opportunities of Life in Cuba
Our group of leaders with the Red de Multiplicación discussing church planting at Café La Habana in Mexico City
After I've spent time in Cuba with our dear friends, our familia Cubana, I…
Ministry & Family in Fresno & Bakersfield
My dad, Ron Diaso and I
I never grow tired of seeing the gospel bring about transformation, a changed life!
I'm writing this post just as I'm getting ready to leave Fresno and head back…
Prayer to Expand Our Borders
Our dear friends and growing family in Cuba!
A few years ago, we began praying that the Lord would expand our borders. We like to say the Border, the Baja and Beyond. Dawn and I didn't…
Our Familia in Cuba Needs Our Prayers!
Our familia - Mario & Yani with their team of church planters. From the top left moving clockwise: Junior & Kendra with Mario & Yany; Jorge & Rachel with Dave; Mario & Yany…
Our group with the church planters in Havana
This morning I drank my coffee from a cup that a friend from Cuba, Ailyn gave me that says I ❤️ Cuba. I just returned from this Carribean Island last Wednesday night. I…
Our Growing Family
Some of our pastor friends in Cuba - starting from the bottom Justo, Lucas* & Maria* and Oniel
I'm on my way to Havana as I write this. Once I'm in Cuba I will have very limited if…
The Journey Continues!
Dave in Quito - The Middle of the World
The above statement has been our prayer, especially since our daughter Hannah moved to heaven. God is graciously answering our prayer! I'm heading out today (Thursday) for Colorado then…
Wedding Bells for Jonathan and Hannah
Jonathan & Hannah Diaso
In my last post I mentioned two momentous events that took place on December 1. Our son, Jonathan's wedding, uniting Jonathan to Hannah Blanco and the inauguration of the president of…
Celebrating Multiplication in Uruguay
Red de Multiplicación conference in Montevideo, Uruguay
Dawn and I were so encouraged when we were in Montevideo, Uruguay at the Red de Multiplicación conference. One of the highlights of the conference was to learn about the…
Today would have been our daughter, Hannah’s 24th birthday. Our son, David wrote a beautiful reflection on his relationship with Hannah, and things he learned from her life, so I wanted to share them with you here.
How can you sum…