Sowing the Seed of the Word
Yudy leading one of the VBS classes
The seed of the Word of God is planted in many young hearts during VBS, but we don't always see immediate fruit. Dawn and I have met and…
Two World's Become One
Children Learning about Christ at VBS
This week Dawn, Hannah and I are partnering with Skyview Presbyterian from Denver and one of our national partners INP La Nueva Jerusalen (The New Jerusalem church). So far it's been…
God's Spirit is on the Move
Dave and Larry Trotter with Pastors Cesar Santizo, Felipe Hernandez, Benjamin Romero & Victor Hugo Herrera - leaders of the Presbytery called Fronterizo Noroccidental (Northwestern border presbytery)
I sense Jesus among us as Dawn and…
Oriesa Wiyono, a young medical student, who is currently working as paramedic in San Diego wrote a beautiful piece about what God did in and through her while she was in Ensenada, Mexico.
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God Can & Does Use Meetings!
Dave and Larry Trotter with Pastors Cesar Santizo, Felipe Hernandez, Benjamin Romero & Victor Hugo Herrera
Meetings aren't always fun, but God can and does work through them. This last week fellow MTW missionary, Larry Trotter…
Dr. Christina Tan's Missions Report
Dr. Christina Tan treating patients during the medical outreach
One of the doctors, Dr. Christina Tan, who went on our medical missions trip to Ensenada wrote a report of her experience. I asked her if I could…
The team from Redeemer Presbyterian San Diego
Christ's Love Shines Forth!
One of the many things I was impressed about last week during our medical missions trip was the love that our Redeemer Presbyterian San Diego showed. They demonstrated patience as…
The Medical Missions Outreach - A Huge Success
The medical team from Redeemer Presbyterian Church with the translators
On the ride back to the church after our last day of the medical clinic our Mexican brothers and sisters were sharing how…
Thank God for the Good Times
Good times with our friends from Ensenada
Sometimes life can get too serious! Sometimes I get overly serious. There is a time for that, but thank God for all the fun we have in ministry.
The Bittersweet Good-bye
The youth at the van with some of their young friends that they made during the week
The setting was bittersweet when we all said good-bye this last Saturday.
It was bitter, because it was hard to say good-bye, but…