Cuba Rocks My World
Havana at night
The main reason Cuba rocks my world is because of the people. They are an amazing and resilient people. All they've suffered through, which is heart breaking, yet God in His grace has used…
The Gospel is Changing Lives in Cuba
Dave with Jim Moon Jr., Yamil & Yuneisi Domínguez, Melissa, Ariadna & Frank Batista
Every time I go to Cuba I feel like God rocks my world. I'm both challenged and encouraged by the…

Excited to See the Church Grow
Dawn with Pastor Ivan and his wife Rocio
Today Dawn and I are off to Mexico City. Then on Saturday, I will be going to Cuba to minister with our friends from Los Pinos. Before…

Coaches Needed
Dave leading a session on coaching with Alcides De La CruzWhy do we leave leaders to struggle on their own? Why do some leaders isolate themselves from others? The casualties of those leaving the ministry every month are…
God's gift of healing during this time of Christmas
David & Dawn with Frank Batista
Dawn is gifted in sensing when people are in pain physically or emotionally. She loves to pray for people and minister to them when they are struggling,…
The Two Sides of Cuba
Cuban Church planters with Discovery Center Staff
I continue to both amazed and saddened when I spend time in Cuba. I'm amazed by all that the Lord is doing in this country that has experienced so…

Learning From a Pioneer, Dr. Allen Thompson
Dr. Allen Thompson, The Master at Work
I was blown away by all that the Lord is doing in Cuba. Fortunately, I ended up arriving in Havana one day before we began the training.…

Not What I Expected
I wasn't sure what to expect when I went to Cuba. I had heard about the poverty, and the oppression, but I didn't know what I would encounter. It broke my heart to see how much…
The Need for Workers to Reap the Harvest
I'm leaving for Cuba today!
It's an exciting time. I'm still trying to get ready early in the morning, but I felt like it was important to send out a quick note to all…