God is at Work Bringing Aid to Those in Need

I love to receive testimonies from our familia on the Big Island. Every month Dawn and I are sending aid to help the pastors, their families, the people in their church and those in their community. It’s always wonderful to hear the stories of how the Lord is working through the help that we give to them.
It saddens us to hear how they are suffering, but we are thankful that the Lord is at work and bringing hope and life to the people.
Pastoral Daniel’s Testimony

One of the pastors that we work with, Pastor *Daniel shared the following testimony with us.
He said, “We were able to bless several brothers with the funds that you sent, how good it is to be part of this help and to be a channel so that other brothers are also blessed and helped. Glory to God in the highest and good will towards all men! We are grateful Brother, Glory to the Lord Jesus!”
“I was able to help a brother, his words shocked me, because his child and his wife were admitted to the hospital for 2 days and he had no more than $10 pesos in his pocket (the equivalent of about .20 US cents). What a joy because when I met him on the street and I greeted him and asked him about his family and he told me about the condition that they were in and I was able to bless him with part of the aid that you sent me. When I gave him the donation his face changed, his spirits were lifted and he had no way to thank me and I told him, ‘thank the Lord who was the one who made this blessing come to you, I am only an instrument.’ When I saw how it affected him it touched my heart and I wanted to share it with you, because once again I see that our Father really takes care of His children. Thank you Pastor, this happened because the Lord has filled your hearts with love for us.”
Pastor *Daniel (name changed for security)
Seeking to Encourage The Flock

Pastor Daniel went on to tell me how difficult it has been for the people, because in many of the places they are ministering they are locked down. They cannot leave their homes after 3 in the afternoon. They haven’t been able to meet as a church for 5 months. He seeks to encourage his flock by visiting them in the morning, and meeting in small groups in their houses. They have to be very careful when they meet. Pastor Daniel asked me to pray for their protection, and that the Lord will send workers to help him to continue to share the good news of the gospel.
Extend Your Hands to Help Today

Sadly, the crisis is ongoing and it has only gotten worse as time has gone on. Not only is there a lack of food and basic goods, but the prices are skyrocketing and they are having to stand in long lines for hours at a time to get the little food that is available.
Join us in prayer for our familia, and consider a generous gift today to bring aid to these dear families. You can play a part in lifting the spirit of the people in need. God is at work. We are thankful that we can be an instrument to bless others, and we’d love for you to join us in this effort of offering food to the hungry, and drink to the thirsty.

In His Grip, Dave
By sustainabilitea
As always, thanks for the witness. You’re on my list for a donation today and I pray it will bless many. Thanks for all you do and all that these pastors and other Christians do under such difficult circumstances. It makes me ashamed to think about how much we complain about all sorts of ridiculous things.
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
Thank you – that is very encouraging. Those on the Big Island that we work with are such sweet people. Thank you for extending your hands to Bless them!
By Shristy Singh
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