Campus Ministry at UNAM
Dave with Mario, Monse and Barush
Dawn and I went to Mexico City the first week of April. We wanted to be there for Dawn and Hannah's birthday, since they are not easy days for us. Also,…
God Has Blessed Us With Some Amazing Friends
Dave & Dawn with the Cisneros family
Some of my favorite friends are the Cisneros family. I first met them when I was a young, fledgling seminary student in 1985. I came down…
Thrilled by the Growth of the Gospel
Prayer & Planning Meeting in Monterrey, Mexico
The church is growing in Mexico, and we are thrilled to be a part of that. When we moved to the border almost 5 years ago, and…
Joy and Sadness
October 15, 2016 the group that helped us finish building the church in Rosarito, Mexico
Today (Sunday) was a special day for me. I love being able to visit our church plants and encourage the pastors and the congregations.…
The Kingdom is Advancing!
Dave & Dawn - Thankful for all the good years that the Lord has given us!
Dawn and I have endured some heart ache over the last few months, but the Lord uses many avenues to lift…
Writer's Block or Just Grieving?
Our last family photo with Hannah
Before my daughter went to her permanent residence in heaven I found it easier to write and post on my blog. I felt like it was cathartic in many ways.…
The Commissioning
Petri with his core team behind him during commissioning service
Today (Sunday) was both an exhilarating and a painful day. Dawn and I went to Ensenada today to be with our friends. I've tried to keep you updated about…
A Cross Border, Cross-cultural Encounter
Redeemer SD youth group with Colegio Grecia youth in Ensenada
Last Saturday I took a youth group from Redeemer San Diego Church to Ensenada to connect with our friends Petri and Yudy. The Lord gave us…
God's Reassurance
Hannah with Daisy in front of the flowers that bloom this time of year near our home
I've gone back and forth as to whether I should share my experience via this site or not. I'm finding it hard…
Travel, Hellos and Goodbyes
David Jr. with Dawn and Dave in Napa, CA. Our last day together before David left for Connecticut
Last week Dawn and I were traveling in Northern California for a ministry meeting. We were also able to…