A Story of New Life in Christ
Petri with Lorenia & Miguel and the Bibles we gave them
One of the many highlights during our week in Ensenada for the summer VBS was how the Lord used our daughter, Hannah to…
Family Fun & Baseball
Family Fun!
This summer has been jam-packed, and we are only half way through it! Even with all the busyness, I feel extremely blessed. This week Dawn, Hannah and I have been able to take a break…
God's Work of Healing
Hannah celebrating the good news with her favorite Starbucks drink!
Today we received some wonderful news. Dawn, Hannah and I went to see Hannah's psychiatrist and he said that Hannah is doing so well that she no…
David's Big Adventure
David in front of his new pad in Fairfield
I'm in the process of helping my oldest son, David Jr. move to Fairfield, California. Fairfield is in Northern California between Sacramento and the Bay Area. It's just south…
Transformed by the Gospel
Sharing the love of Christ through prayer and medical care
Last Saturday when Hannah and I were ministering with Redeemer San Diego and La Nueva Jerusalén in Ensenada was definitely a highlight on the year. It filled…
How Often Should I Post on My Blog?
David Jr. Jonathan & Dave
Just the other day someone challenged me to consider posting on my blog every day. It was actually my son, David. He heard about the idea on a…
Hannah & IMPACT 195
Hannah is excited to be starting IMPACT 195
Our whole family is celebrating this week as our daughter, Hannah just started a discipleship training school at IMPACT 195. It's so good to see the healing work that…
I Hate Saying Good-bye
The Diaso Family at the border - with the U.S./Mexico border fence in the background
One of the most difficult things about being a missionary is saying good-bye to family and all the people we love. It's…
I Will Bless the Lord
Hannah, Dawn and Dave
One of my favorite passages in the Bible is found in Psalm 34. Today this Psalm especially ministers to me, as I find myself struggling with fear.
The Psalmist says in Psalm 34:1-4: