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A Wonderful Walk with Will – One of My Heroes

Will Massey on our fascinating walk

I went on a fascinating walk with my friend, Will Massey while I was in Lancaster last week. He is one of my heroes, because he has dealt with some adversity, and in Christ he is overcoming. Will is the son of Bill and Valerie Massey. Bill is the pastor of Harvest Presbyterian Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I wrote about our time in Lancaster in my last post.
The Masseys are one of the wonderful families that I get to visit while I’m on the road sharing about our ministry. It was extra special on this visit, because Dawn was able to join me. We’ve known the Masseys since before we were married. Valerie served in missions in Italy before she married Bill, and they were both on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ at one time. We met them when they were on staff in San Bernardino, CA with Crusade, now Cru.
Their son, Will is a great young man. He loves the Lord, and he is always happy to see me. He sure knows how to make me feel welcome when I visit his family. I believe my life is richer, because of my relationship with Will and his family.
I asked Will if he wanted to go on a walk with me. He was reluctant at first, but then he agreed to join me. While on our walk Will told me how he wrote a letter to James Earl Jones, because he had a problem with stuttering when he was younger. He wanted to know how James Earl Jones overcame this to become such a great orator. Can you believe that the voice of Darth Vader in Star Wars and Mufasa in The Lion King among other public speaking accomplishments, once had a problem with stuttering?
Will also has some challenges he is dealing with. When I think of it we all have challenges we face. They may not be the same, but we all have our limitations. Part of the key is how we respond to the difficulties that life brings our way. Paul reminds us in Second Corinthians that God’s grace is sufficient, and when I am weak He is strong (2 Cor. 12:9 my paraphrase). I feel especially weak today as I write this. I think of some of my own shortcomings. Goals I have set that haven’t been met. Not always being the father, husband or friend that I want to be. I take comfort in Paul’s words. God is able to take my weakness, my brokenness and use it for His glory.
Dave and Dawn with Bill, Valerie and Will Massey at their church - Harvest Presbyterian

Thank you Lord for the privilege of having a friend like Will. He is positive and he has a great sense of humor. He’s a fun guy to be around. I learn from him how to keep going when the going get’s tough. I can’t wait to get a chance to see him again.
Keep Will and his family in your prayers. The Lord has used them to plant Harvest Church. The church has grown, and they’ve just moved into a new building. There are some challenges that come with a growing ministry. They are important partners in ministry and they are a great blessing to us.
Thank you Lord for the Massey family, and my good friend, Will.
In His Grip, Dave


  • By David O'Connor
    Posted February 15, 2020 at 4:49 pm

    I just read your story with the Massey family, Bill and Valerie are an inspiration to us all, our family is thankful for Bill, about 25 years ago Bill who was the associate pastor at our church gave us counciling about our upcoming marriage, l don’t know, but without his counciling I don’t think my wife and I would still be married, He did our wedding and with him and our Lord , we are still married with much love. I haven’t talked to Bill in over 20 years, but we think of his blessings he gave us years ago, if you ever talk to Bill, pleas tell him that David and Dee Dee said hi and thankful for him.

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted February 16, 2020 at 5:04 pm

      Thanks for your kind note. Are you still in Pittsburgh? I remember that’s where Bill ministered as an associate pastor

      • By David O'Connor
        Posted February 18, 2020 at 7:35 am

        No , We now live in Chicago, and we really miss the preaching of Bill Massey, Bill used to come to our house every week for marriage counseling, I am sure that without Bill we would have never made it. We thank Bill for his ministry. I’m pretty sure we made it, what a great servant of Jesus.

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