A New Church in Mexicali!

In just 3 short months, on November 1st we will begin construction on the new church building in Mexicali, Mexico. We are busy planning and raising funds so that the church can get off to a good start in November. You can Help! You can play a part in seeing this dream become a reality through your prayers and through a financial gift.
Pastor Federico and Blanca Muñoz are faithfully ministering in the park even during the hot days of summer. Every week new people are hearing the gospel and responding to the call of Jesus. God is transforming lives!
Emir – A Changed Life

Blanca shared this wonderful testimony about how God radically redeemed Emir’s life.
Emir showed up to the church service at the park. It was obvious that he was burdened, something was weighing him down. When he arrived I (Blanca) welcomed him and began to pray for him. I told him that it was no coincidence that he was there. That God had a purpose for him and that Jesus in his love would remove all the burden, all the weight and all the pain that he was carrying.
Emir cried throughout the service as Federico preached and we worshipped. I prayed for Emir, and told him that God would do great things in his life and that even in his moments of despair God had been with him. That’s why He had brought him to the park to set him free and give him a spiritual family that would love him and help him get ahead spiritually.
I didn’t know much about Emir, but one of his friends from our congregation has known him for a long time. She told me that when Emir got home after the church service he started to get rid of the big altar dedicated to death that he had in his home. He told his children, “that from now on they would worship the powerful God almighty who had set him free and who had rescued him from the darkness.” He continued saying, “that he was not afraid, because he knew that God is more powerful.”
Hallelujah, Praise the Lord for His mighty work! It’s for new friends like Emir that we plant churches, so that the gospel goes forth and so that lives are changed. Then communities and cities are transformed by the gospel!
Extend Your Hands to Help!

Your prayers and generosity are bringing life transformation to families in Mexicali. Would you prayerfully consider joining us, and helping us to build the church this November. Help us accomplish this God-given vision to impact Mexicali for generations to come. We have been given a $5,000 matching gift, so that your donation will be doubled. Make a Donation Today.

Video: God is Building His Church in Mexicali
In His Grip, Dave
P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond
P.S.S. Let us know what you think about our new website
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