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A Glimpse of Heaven: Hannah Diaso

Glimpses of God’s Grace

Chivis and Hannah
Chivis and Hannah

Since Hannah passed away the Lord has ministered to us, and shown us glimpses of grace. He has given us some previews of heaven.
One of Hannah’s best friends, Chivis. A friend that Hannah knew since they were about two years old. They first met each other in Mexico City, and that relationship continued through our years in Colorado and now on the San Diego/Tijuana border.
On the day Hannah died, Chivis had a dream. Hannah went to be with the Lord around midnight Pacific time on Tuesday, October 18th. Chivis had a dream at 2 AM Central time on the same day. Her dream is a very encouraging one, and gives us a glimpse into the Lord’s work.

Chivis’ Dream of Hannah

Hannah & Chivis in Mexico City
Hannah & Chivis in Mexico City

Here’s the dream that Chivis shared with us:

Hannah and I were in a beautiful garden, full of flowers. It was a beautiful and sunny day. When I saw Hannah’s face I was surprised, because she looked very young around 11 or 12 years old. Her face was radiant and it radiated such brilliance that I was sure that she had seen her Creator face to face (although I didn’t realize it at the time).
While we were together we laughed like we used to when we were younger. We shared jokes and we held hands. All of the sudden, I realized that the last time I saw Hannah in Mexico, she didn’t look like this. She was a little down, and she had gained weight and of course she was 22 years old.
When I remembered the last time I had seen her, it seemed strange so I turned to look at her again and there she was. She was young, smiling and full of joy. Then I fixed my sight on her, and I told her, “Hannah, sister, you are completely recovered!!!!!!” She turned to look at me with a smile and gave me a high-five. She said, “Yes, I feel very different, we made it!”
After exchanging hugs and some more time of chatting, Hannah said to me, “Chivita, I have to go, but I will see you soon. I love you very much.” I said goodbye too and gave her a big sister’s hug, and I told her that I loved her and she left.

Chivis & Hannah
Chivis & Hannah
Trusting God’s Goodness

This greatly encouraged Chivis, and when she shared it with us we felt that the Lord was giving us further confirmation that, although Hannah’s death is tragic in that she died so young, we see his hand was in it, and that he had a purpose in it. We may not understand that purpose, but we trust in the Lord’s wisdom.
There were also three or four others who shared visions that they had of Hannah. They saw her filled with joy, and at peace while she was enjoying being in heaven with her loving Father.
Thank you, Jesus for your kind graces to us, and thanks to all of those who love us and love our daughter, Hannah.
In his Grip, Dave


  • By Andy Oldham
    Posted November 9, 2016 at 2:35 pm

    This is a beautiful testimony to the love of God and His grace!

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted November 10, 2016 at 2:02 pm

      Thank you – it has been a huge encouragement to us

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