God is Building His Church in Oaxaca
God is on the move in Oaxaca, Mexico. One of the tremendous blessings that Dawn and I have is that we get to work with some amazing people. God opened the door for us to begin partnering with Pastor Eliel and Jessica Osorio about two years ago.
Pastor Eliel Osorio is leading a church plant in Oaxaca which is south of Mexico City. Oaxaca is the capital of the state of Oaxaca. It is the second poorest state in the country with 70% living in poverty. Thousands of people visit the city each year, because of the beauty and rich culture.
The Great Opportunities for the Gospel in Oaxaca

Eliel and Jessica are a fun couple and they relate well to people in their teens to thirties. They are among the most innovative and gifted people that we work with. God has given them a heart to reach out to young people. In Mexico 59% of the population is under 40 years old, sadly they are largely absent from our churches.
Their vision is to plant a church that shares the grace, love, and power of God. They launched their public worship services last September in their carport, and are now meeting in a school (photo below).
Even though the church is just starting they had 110 people come to their service on Easter Sunday, and every week new families are showing up.
El Refugio – Connecting People

Their vision includes a more permanent ministry center called “The Shelter” (El Refugio) that will be a point of connection for evangelism and discipleship during the whole week. El Refugio will provide a place for young people to come and hang out. They will be able to get a cup of coffee, study, take music lessons, play ping pong, etc. This will aid them in reaching more people for the gospel.
I believe that the Lord wants to use Pastor Eliel and Jessica to lead the way in reaching this upcoming generation. There is an outstanding opportunity for them to make a difference in Oaxaca, which will have a ripple effect on the rest of the country. Pray with us that God will make it happen for His honor and glory.
Pray for the Osorios in Oaxaca

We give thanks for Eliel and Jessica. They’ve become like family and they have been a breath of fresh air as we partner with them. They have two beautiful little girls, Sarvia and Tirsa. Pray with us for their ministry and that the Lord will provide the place for them to host these activities. Pray that the Lord will guide them and lead them as they work to reach Oaxaca with the good news of the gospel.
Extend Your Hands to Help Those in Need

Your prayers and your financial gifts are making a huge difference as we sow the seed of the gospel. We are continuing to send monthly aid to families on the Big Island. Each time we talk to the pastors, our familia they tell us how it is increasingly difficult for them to buy food, medicine and basic necessities. I hope to write more about the Big Island in my next post. You can read more about the growth of the church and the challenges that our familia is facing on the Big Island here…
We would like to ask you to extend your hands to help those in need. You play an important part in seeing the extension of the kingdom of God in Mexico and on the Big Island! Our familia is forever grateful for your generosity.

In His Grip, Dave
P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond
By sustainabilitea
More wonderful news, Dave. I always to look forward to seeing through your posts what God is doing in these areas. Providing a place for youth is an approach I think is almost always sound…unless in an area with mostly older people. 🙂
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
Thanks for the encouragement. Dawn and I are in Tijuana today with a number of church planters. I feel very encouraged by all that I see God doing
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