Our Princess Warrior – Hannah Diaso
On Tuesday, October 18th our beautiful daughter, and beloved sister went to be with the Lord. A tragic loss! Yet our refrain continues to be, “we grieve, but not as those without hope.” We are a hopeful family, surrounded by a wonderful community of hopeful people. The hope that the Lord has displayed to us is a Biblical hope, which is a hope of certainty that Hannah is with her heavenly Father, and that we will see her again in glory.
On Wednesday, October 26th we mourned Hannah’s loss and celebrated her life at the graveside service and the funeral service. One of Hannah’s close friends, Marissa Irakoze posted the following on Instagram,
Before this week, I never knew that joy and grief could be in the same place. Hannah, your service yesterday was incredible. You would have LOVED it. You lived such a beautiful life, it was an honor to have known you. See you soon, friend
The service was Christ centered celebration of life. While the service was a time to grieve, yet also a time to rejoice. We grieved that she is gone, and we don’t get to enjoy her presence anymore on this side of heaven. We rejoiced in the victory that Christ secured for us over death on the cross. We have victory through his death and resurrection. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!!!
The House of Mourning is Better
Another close family friend, Heidi Griffith shared a wonderful verse in Ecclesiastes that the Lord used to minister to Heidi when her mother passed away. We found it touched us as well, and I feel it’s a passage we will be chewing on and thinking through for a long time.
“It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting, for this is the end of all mankind, and the living will lay it to heart.”
Ecclesiastes 7:2 ESV
It’s hard to understand how it can be better to mourn than to feast, but there it is. We are finding that the Lord is meeting us in a deep and profound way through the pain that we are enduring. God is present in this trial. He has not abandoned us. He will never leave us or forsake us.
Hannah’s brothers, David and Jonathan put in over 24 hours creating a beautiful slide show. They chose two songs from Rachel Platten that Hannah loved, and that carry a deep significance. The boys shared during the service that the first song, Better Place, speaks of how Hannah made the world a better place from the moment that she entered this world to the moment that the Lord took her home. Several Friends shared that Hannah would not waste any time to show her love and would make you feel special the very first time you met her. The boys also shared that, Hannah touched many lives on this world and we are confident that her Impact and testimony will outlive her by continuing to bring those still on earth to a relationship with Christ. Most importantly an assurance that the Lord has given us is that Hannah is now in a better place. The second song, Fight Song, is a remembrance of Hannah’s fighting spirit. She was and is a princess warrior.
Video: Hannah-Celebration of Life
If you have trouble viewing this video on your browser you can view it by clicking on this YouTube link
We rejoice that death has been swallowed up in victory through the death and resurrection of Christ!
In His Grip, Dave
By sustainabilitea
My heart hurts from the combination of knowing this beautiful woman is gone and the joy of knowing she’s home and waiting for all of you. I can only imagine how your hearts must feel. May our Father continue to wrap you in His loving, comforting arms and allow you to feel a bit of the joy that Hannah now knows.
By diasolifeontheborder
Thanks so much for your prayers and your concern for us. It is very painful. The Lord is carrying us through.
By Dianne K Barlowe
Thank you for this beautiful tribute and glimpse into Hannah’s life, David and Jonathon. We love your family and will be praying for you each day.
By diasolifeontheborder
Thank you for your love and for your encouragement – we need it.
By dkbarlowe
Thank you for this beautiful tribute and glimpse into Hannah’s life. We love your family and will be praying for you in the days ahead.
By Lita Maldonado
Dear Diasos, I have been so stroked by the sad news of the early departure of sweet Hanna. My heart and my prayers are with you in this difficult time. May the peace and joy of our glorious Savior be with you all.
By diasolifeontheborder
Thank you Lita. We appreciate your concern for our family
By Miss Nester
Very sad your family had to go through this. Pray you all continue in strength and peace. With you in prayers.
By diasolifeontheborder
Thank you for praying for us. We do need strength and peace. We are thankful for the Prince of peace
By jimiea
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