The Earth Shakes Again
The Devastation caused by the earthquake
Amazingly 32 years to the day since the big earthquake of 1985 struck in Mexico City, another earthquake hit Mexico. The earth shook again on September 19, causing much damage in…
Even the Rocks Give Testimony
Dave & Dawn in St. Peter's Cathedral
I found my first trip to Rome to be a spiritual experience. I wasn't expecting it, but as Dawn and I saw the beautiful sites and history, so much…
The Pain of Loss
The Cross on Mount Soledad in San Diego
Recently I was conversing with some of my missionary colleagues about death and grieving, and how most of us struggle with working through the sorrow of losing someone we…
God Comes Through Again!
Our #MTWMexico Team - Serving Together Throughout Mexico
We prayed that the Lord would show up and He did! I'm on the plane with Dawn returning for Puerto Vallarta from our #MTWMexico retreat. It was a time…