Our Best VBS Yet!
A Fun-filled week at VBS
We've had a great week of VBS in Ensenada with La Nueva Jerusalén church and Skyview Presbyterian. This is the third year in a row that these two churches have come together to…
A Fun Week!
VBS at La Nueva Jerusalén church in Ensenada
Our week has gotten off to a fun and exciting start with VBS in Ensenada. A group of friends from Skyview Church in Denver is here! It's the third summer…

Skyview Returns!
The group from Skyview in the summer of 2015 with some of the members from La Nueva Jerusalén
This week we are gearing up for the arrival of our friends from Denver, Skyview Presbyterian Church. This is the third…

Family Fun & Baseball
Family Fun!
This summer has been jam-packed, and we are only half way through it! Even with all the busyness, I feel extremely blessed. This week Dawn, Hannah and I have been able to take a break…

God's Work of Healing
Hannah celebrating the good news with her favorite Starbucks drink!
Today we received some wonderful news. Dawn, Hannah and I went to see Hannah's psychiatrist and he said that Hannah is doing so well that she no…
The Despedida for Larry and Sandy Trotter
Larry & Sandy Trotter
This week two of our good friends and colleagues, Larry and Sandy Trotter will be moving back to the United States after serving in Mexico for almost 30 years. The…