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What is the Church’s Mission?

The Great Commission
The Great Commission
It all starts with vision!

Our vision for the Border, the Baja and Beyond is to see a multiplication of churches which results in transformed individuals, families and communities.
Christ gave us the Great Commission in Gospel of Matthew.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. –Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV)

God Works Through His Church

Meeting with church pastors and church leaders in Tijuana
Meeting with church pastors and church leaders in Tijuana

The best way to make disciples is through the church. The size and type of church is secondary, but the church is God’s chosen vehicle. I realize the church is imperfect made up of broken and sinful people like you and me. Yet there is much hope, because of the gospel. The gospel changes everything. The gospel brings transformation!
Since the church is God’s chosen vehicle this is the reason we believe church planting is so vital to the growth of the body of Christ.
Someone has said that Tijuana is the most evangelized city in the world and one of the least churched. This may be an exaggeration, but the point is that many groups come down to do outreach on the border, but much of it isn’t connected to the church. This leads to fruit that doesn’t last. The fruit perishes as it is often choked out by the world.

The One Another Passages

San Ysidro Border Crossing into Tijuana, Mexico
San Ysidro Border Crossing into Tijuana, Mexico

Followers of Jesus are meant to grow together. This is evident in many passages throughout the  Bible. Some of those passages are the one another passages. Here are a few of them written by the Apostle Paul.

  • Members of one another – Romans 12:5
  • Devoted to one another – Romans 12:10
  • Honor one another – Romans 12:10
  • Same mind as one another – Romans 15:5
  • Accept one another Romans 15:7
  • Serve one another – Galatians 5:13
  • Bear one another’s burdens – Galatians 6:2
  • Submit to one another – Ephesians 4:2
  • Encourage one another – I Thessalonians 5:11

I’ve been involved in meetings on Friday and Saturday with pastors and church leaders who are working in a number of cities in Baja California. My hope is that God will work through us to see his kingdom expanded through his church here on the Border, the Baja and Beyond.
O Lord, Hear our prayer. Grow your church!
In His Grip, Dave