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To Be Thrilled With Your Presence

To Be Thrilled With Your Presence

Cambodia - A different world to be sure!
Cambodia – A different world to be sure!

I read this statement recently in Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest. This is becoming my cry to the Lord.
It reminds me of the Sons of Korah song in Psalm 42. The Psalmist declares,

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? —Psalm 42:1-2 NIV

As I reflect on my desire to hunger for God and his presence it reminds me of Dr. Lloyd Kim’s words when we were together for Mission to the World’s (MTW) worldwide leadership meetings. He challenged us to be broken and humble before the Lord as we serve him. It’s easy when we are serving in ministry to just get to a point where we are going through the motions.

God’s Gentle Touch

Dr. Lloyd Kim addressing us at MTW's worldwide leadership conference in Siem Reap, Cambodia
Dr. Lloyd Kim addressing us at MTW’s worldwide leadership conference in Siem Reap, Cambodia

While I was at MTW’s conference the Lord ministered to me as I met with missionaries and nationals from all over the world. God touched my heart as I listened to their stories. Some of them are ministering in very difficult places, under difficult circumstances. Others minister freely, but the soil is hard and the fruit is slow.
Between these words from Dr. Kim and Oswald Chambers and my experience with the missionaries I feel God calling me into a deeper relationship with him. To be thrilled with his presence!

Join Us on the Journey

I invite you to join me. Pray for me that I will be faithful in this journey. It’s so easy to become cynical and jaded. We all have bad experiences in the church and just in life in general, and then we take it out on God. It’s as if we will only seek him if things are going well. But that’s not the way of the cross. It’s not what the Lord has called us to.
I thank you for joining me and my family on this journey. It’s sometimes painful, but it’s worth it.
In His Grip, Dave
P.S. There are still needs for food, water, clothing and shelter for those affected by Hurricane Odile. You can help by giving to the hurting click here…

1 Comment

  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted October 2, 2014 at 1:07 am

    One year during high school (I went away to high school), I remember being so close to the Lord. I literally prayed at all times of the day, talking to Him as if he were my Friend and Father as, of course, He is. I sometimes think that those of us who have been Christians all our lives have a tendency to take Him for granted, knowing Him and knowing He’s there and not always feeling the joy about this that we should. One aspect of that is good but the side that keeps us from that joy is something worth working to break down so we can experience the joy we should in His presence, love and care.

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