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The Inevitable Expansion of the Church

God is Building His Church in Mexico

Top: Federico and Blanca Muñoz family at Damaris’ quinceañera; bottom right: Noe & Eneydi Reyes family; bottom left: Eliel and Jessica Osorio family

The church is growing all throughout Mexico, and we are excited that we get to be a part of all that God is doing. The expansion of God’s church is inevitable. We see from the book of Acts how the church has grown. Jesus told the disciples in Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Then in Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost the promised Holy Spirit was poured out and the church began to grow like wild fire. The once fearful disciples, became bold and brave when they encountered opposition.

We have the same Holy Spirit today who emboldens his people. The gospel is going forth in power. Lives are becoming transformed by Jesus Christ. That is why we start new churches. We pray for and work for the ever growing expansion of God’s kingdom through the proclamation of the good news of Jesus.

I put together some videos with my good friend and fellow missionary, Jim DeWitt that highlight some of the church plants that we are working on in Mexico. Oaxaca led by Pastor Eliel and Jessica Osorio. Durango led by Pastor Noe and Eneydi Reyes. Mexicali led by Pastor Federico and Blanca Muñoz. Each one of these churches are making an impact in the communities that they are reaching. In the video I expand on what each church is doing. How the Lord is using them for His Glory!

Video: God is Building HIs Church
Extend Your Hands to Help!

Dawn and I are grateful that we can be a part of the great and mighty work that God is doing in Mexico, on the Big Island and the Dominican Republic. Your prayers and your gifts play a critical role as the gospel goes forth. We are supporting church planters and the life changing ministries that they are involved in. Extend your hands to support our church planters, our familia today! 

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Thank you for joining us in prayer, and for considering making a gift to help our precious familia.

In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond


  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted March 22, 2023 at 7:18 pm

    There’s so much negative news about Mexico these days, making it even better to read about what the Holy Spirit is doing there. We’ve asked our daughter and son-in-law to please not travel there. What a shame!

    • By Ddiaso
      Posted March 23, 2023 at 8:54 am

      Yes – we pray for God to do a mighty work and bring about transformation. You can pray for us we are going to Guadalajara and Colima over the next few days.

      • By sustainabilitea
        Posted March 23, 2023 at 8:58 am

        Praying for safe travel and for the Holy Spirit to work mightily.

        (Just send a gift via Thrivent Charitable using the information you emailed. Use where most needed and I pray it’s multiplied greatly.)

        • By Ddiaso
          Posted March 24, 2023 at 12:52 pm

          Thank you that is very kind of you. Pass on our thanks to your husband as well. Is Thrivent Charitable the name of your foundation or trust?

          • By sustainabilitea
            Posted March 24, 2023 at 1:54 pm

            The Webb Family Trust is the name. Thrivent administers the foundation. But I included our names and your names and number per your email.

          • By David DIASO
            Posted March 24, 2023 at 4:13 pm

            Ok – thank you. We appreciate it. Hope th

        • By donelove010
          Posted June 2, 2023 at 9:39 am


    • By donelove010
      Posted June 2, 2023 at 9:39 am


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