God’s Goodness Seen in Our Growing Family
Pike’s Peak in Colorado Springs
As I write this I’m enjoying a cup coffee and taking in the views of the snow capped peaks in Colorado. It reminds me of God’s majesty. Dawn…
The Outstanding Church Planters we Minister With
One of the highlights of our ministry is connecting with our church planters. It's not easy to start something new. There are great opportunities, and many challenges along the way. The church planters…
Renuevo - Renewal in Ensenada
Pastor Petri leading the church service
On Sunday Dawn and I went to Ensenada and worshipped with our church plant there, Renuevo. It’s a joy for us to connect with the people at the church. Pastor…
Traning Pastors and Church Planters
Training with Red de Multiplicación in Mexico City
I give thanks for the goodness of God! Over the last month I’ve been able to train church planters in Cuba, Mexico City and Tijuana. I love helping…
The Challenges & Opportunities of Life in Cuba
Our group of leaders with the Red de Multiplicación discussing church planting at Café La Habana in Mexico City
After I've spent time in Cuba with our dear friends, our familia Cubana, I…
My Best Ministry Trip to Date!
Dave with Pastor Mario and his wife, Yany and their church in Cabaiguán
I just returned from a two week trip to Cuba. It was an outstanding trip, and the Lord showed up in some…
Prayer to Expand Our Borders
Our dear friends and growing family in Cuba!
A few years ago, we began praying that the Lord would expand our borders. We like to say the Border, the Baja and Beyond. Dawn and I didn't…
God is on the Move in Amazing Ways I'm writing this as I fly from Mexico to Colombia, and by the time you read this I will be in Colombia. We are excited about all the Lord is doing in…
Our Trip to Colorado
Our growing family - Jonathan & Hannah's wedding. David & Emily's wedding shower
Last week Dawn and I were in Colorado to visit our growing family. Jonathan married Hannah on December 1st of last year, and David…
Our Familia in Cuba Needs Our Prayers!
Our familia - Mario & Yani with their team of church planters. From the top left moving clockwise: Junior & Kendra with Mario & Yany; Jorge & Rachel with Dave; Mario & Yany…