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Our Growing Family: Havana and Beyond!

Our Growing Family

Some of our pastor friends in Cuba – starting from the bottom Justo, Lucas* & Maria* and Oniel

I’m on my way to Havana as I write this. Once I’m in Cuba I will have very limited if any access to the internet. I don’t usually like to write my posts on the phone while I’m traveling, but I believe that I need a lot of prayer covering. I will be in Havana from today until Friday the 8th. Then I will be going to some smaller communities to visit and encourage some friends who are pastors.
These friends have become like family to Dawn and me. Since they are isolated in many ways, because of the lack of internet access and because of some of what they’ve had to live through they need encouragement. We all need someone to help us along the way, but it’s even more pronounced on this Island.

Our Role as Spiritual Parents

Pastor Mario and Yany with their daughter, Lorena

Dawn and I have grown to love these dear friends. A number of them now call us dad and mom. This is something that’s more common in Latin cultures. It’s also a growing part of or ministry especially since Hannah moved to heaven. It’s like the Lord has called us to be spiritual parents to a number of people. We enjoy encouraging and loving these friends. It is a true gift from the Lord! Jesus has given us friends to love on in Mexico who see us as spiritual parents.

Join us in Prayer!

Dawn and I would also appreciate your prayers for Dawn and her mom as they had to stay behind. We know that we are in a new season as Dawn’s mom, Alice is not able to live by herself. It’s a privilege to have her in our home and care for her. At least for the time being Dawn is not able to travel as much with me. We trust in the Lord’s guidance and leading during this season.
Lately Dawn and I have been separated some. This will change after I get back from this trip, but it is something we are seeking to manage the best we can now.
I’m not expecting that I will be able to write and post once I’m in Cuba. So it will most likely be a week or more before I post again.
I believe that the Lord is going to do something very special during my time there. I look forward to writing about God’s great and mighty work once I return. Thank you so much for standing with us and praying for us! We praise Jesus for his love and his desire to bring change and transformation to the nations!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By alice
    Posted February 4, 2019 at 8:12 pm

    Praying dear Dave thanking and praising Him for you.

  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted February 5, 2019 at 5:47 am

    Praying for safety and a bountiful harvest as well as for Dawn and Alice. I look forward to hearing about how God has worked when you get back.

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted February 18, 2019 at 1:47 pm

      Thanks! It was an amazing trip

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