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God’s Building His Church in the DR

Retreat and Advance in the Dominican Republic
MTW’s Area Retreat with fellow missionaries

Dawn and I just returned from the Dominican Republic. We were there for a missionary retreat with Mission to the Word (MTW) for missionaries ministering in the Americas. The DR is a beautiful Caribbean Island. Unfortunately, while we were there Dawn picked up a bug that bothered her during the whole retreat. I think she actually got a few bugs! She’s still recuperating.

Pastor Adnier and Mariesly Padron
Dave and Dawn with Mariesly and Adnier and their two boys Daniel and David

We visited some Cuban and Dominican pastors during our first two days in the DR. We first met Pastor Adnier and his wife, Mariesly in Cuba. They are gifted church planters that I’ve written about in previous posts. The challenges of life in Cuba, and the vision for a broader ministry motivated them to leave and come to the DR. Now they are using their experience and gifts to train pastors to help start a church planting movement.

The more I get to know Adnier the more impressed I am with him and his wife. They have tremendous passion and vision. While we were together Adnier shared some of his strategies for evangelism and training church planters. He told us that as he’s had opportunities to speak in churches and train others in his new country, God has begun to open up doors for him to minister beyond the borders of the DR. He’s already received invitations to go to Colombia and Ecuador.

I love seeing how God is at work. How he is taking the gospel to other countries that are in need of a Christ-centered Spirit-empowered movement of God.

One of the reasons that we chose the name Beyond Borders is that God gave us a vision to reach beyond the borders of Mexico. We live and minister on the US/Mexico border, but we are working throughout Mexico, and even in other countries. One of the ways that the Lord is expanding our reach is as partners in ministry like Adnier and Mariesly leave Cuba and take the gospel to other countries.

Join Us in Prayer!
From left to right: Pastor Rafelito, Pastor Elias, Pastor Rijo, Daniel, David, Mariesly, Pastor Adnier, Dawn and Dave

Pray for Pastor Adnier and Mariesly as they plant churches and train other leaders to do the same in the DR. Pray with us for the other pastors that we met in the DR who are working with Adnier and Mariesly. Pastor Rijo, Pastor Rafelito, Pastor Elias as well as another Cuban pastor Nelson Beltran. That the church will continue to advance in Cuba and in the DR. That God will provide for all their needs. There is much more freedom in the DR, but it takes time to find a good job and make a living in a new country. We continue to pray for the needs of our familia on the Big Island.

God is Building His Church in Mexicali

Continue to pray for us as the Lord guides us as we encourage and strengthen pastors and leaders in Mexico, the DR, the Big Island, and Beyond. One of the big projects that we need prayer and support for right now is the new church plant in Mexicali, Mexico. Pastor Federico and Blanca Muñoz are leading the church, and we started building this week!

Praying for and celebrating the new church property in Mexicali
Extend Your Hands to Help!

Dawn and I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider giving a donation today to make this dream become of reality. Help us accomplish this God-given vision to impact Mexicali for generations to come! Our goal is to raise a total of $28,000 so we can finish the building so that Iglesia Verdad y Vida (Truth and Life church) can begin holding their church services there. We have been given a $5,000 matching gift so that your donation will be matched up to $5,000.  Make a Donation Today.

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Video: God is Building His Church in Mexicali


In His Grip, Dave

P.S. Help take the gospel to the Border, the Baja and Beyond

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