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Fun Times at My Fresno High Reunion

Fresno High School
Fresno High School

This weekend Dawn and I enjoyed the opportunity to see a number of old friends at my 35th Fresno High School reunion. Where did all the years go!?!
I read once that one of the main reasons people to reunions is see what their old friends look like. To see what those that maybe were the athletic or the brainy people or even the socially awkward, what do they look like now. I must admit it is fascinating to see how well, or not so well people have aged.
What I liked most was connecting with old friends. It was great to find out what people are up to, and how many kids they have. What’s going on in their family?
Dave leading friends at reunion in prayer before the dinner
Dave leading friends at reunion in prayer before the dinner

I also enjoy the opportunity to share my faith in Christ. Since some of my friends help organize the reunion, and they know I’m a minister they always ask me to pray before the meal. This alone is an opportunity to touch people’s lives in a small way. Then since I’m able to do that many will approach me and ask me more about my work and ministry. This gives me some great opportunities!
It’s also wonderful to meet friends from school that love Jesus. To hear more about their stories. Wow, I’m so grateful for God’s amazing work in the life of many of my classmates! Many now profess Christ as their savior. I pray that at the next reunion there would be even more who bend the knee.
When I think of what the Lord has done and is doing in the life of my friends it gives me hope. There are people who I wouldn’t have thought would give their lives to Christ that now have strong faith, and are living for the Lord.

“O Lord, please do continue your work in the life on my friends. You are our best and only hope for everlasting joy. Work in my heart as well, that I will be a good witness of your care and enduring love for us. No greater love is there than to give your life for another, which Christ has done for us. Christ defeated sin, death and satan on the cross and through His resurrection. Amen.”

If you are one of my friends that was at the reunion and you are reading this, “I enjoyed seeing you again, and look forward to the next opportunity. Thanks for coming and being part of a good time. Keep the faith, and don’t lose hope no matter what dips and turns life may take for you.”
In His Grip, Dave


  • By dkzody
    Posted August 5, 2012 at 5:19 pm

    Small world. You stopped by one of my blogs. I came over to see who you are and find this post about graduating from Fresno High I assume in 1977? I taught at Fresno high from 1989 to 2010 with a woman who graduated from fhs in 1978. Different place from when you were there. We definitely saw fhs as our mission field.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted August 5, 2012 at 10:06 pm

      I don’t live in Fresno anymore, but my parents do, so I still visit. I have noticed that things have changed somewhat at FHS. Who was the person you taught with that graduated in 1978? That was a long time ago, and the school’s big enough it’s hard to remember everybody. That’s encouraging that you sought to serve Christ while you were teaching. a great opportunity with so many students you influence.

      • By dkzody
        Posted August 6, 2012 at 6:32 pm

        Janet Uota class of 1978. She is still teaching at Fresno high as Janet Sanchez.

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