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Excel – Partnering to Change the Church Planting World

JD Pearring & Excel Leadership Network
JD Pearring who leads Excel Leadership Network

In May I was interviewed by my good friend, JD Pearring who leads Excel Leadership Network. Excel has been a life saver for Dawn and me in many ways as we’ve been on this church planting journey over the last several years. They’ve been a huge source of encouragement to us through the many relationships that we’ve built. They were there for us when our daughter, Hannah moved to heaven. JD actually got on a plane and flew down to be with us for Hannah’s funeral. That’s something that you don’t forget! JD’s wife, Lori who is extremely gifted and loves to encourage others told us that JD doesn’t like to go to funeral’s, which I think would be true for most people. The point was that he made a special effort to be with us and to support our family during a time of tremendous need.

One of the many things Dawn and I have appreciated about our involvement with Excel is the quality of people that are involved. I don’t just mean in regards to their gifting, but also in their character. I’ve found that the pastors involved in this group are some of the most vulnerable and authentic people that I’ve ever been around. That is not very common in this day and age.

Changing the Church Planting World

JD says his goal isn’t to change the world, but to change the church planting world!

A Recent Excel event with pastors and church planters in Napa, CA

Dawn and I have partnered with Excel in Mexico, in the US and on the Big Island in Cuba. We’ve met some of the most wonderful people through this network. Another thing that I enjoy about Excel is that it is not denominationally focused. In other words, there are people from a variety of backgrounds that are involved. Yet we are all supporting one another to see the expansion of the kingdom. Christ is glorified in many ways through Excel.

Excel is partnering with us in a number of our church plants in Mexico as well as on the Big Island. We have come together on 26 church planting projects in Mexico and it’s hard to keep track of all the works popping up on the Big Island.

I’m including an interview here that was made into a podcast and you can listen to it via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and through the link below. In this interview I share our story including the times that I was kidnapped and robbed in Mexico City, as well as weathering the storm of our daughter moving to heaven. I also explain how the Lord gave me the goal of being involved in helping to plant 1,000 churches.

Dave’s conversation with JD

Click on this link to listen to the conversation with David Diaso and JD Pearring…

Dawn and I have partnered with JD and Excel on a number of church planting projects with our familia on the Big Island. Together we are seeking to encourage and support the pastors and their families. Just this morning I was on the phone with Adolfo and Maria photo below, and they shared how they are moving so that they can start more house churches. It’s always encouraging to talk to them to see how the church is growing. Adolfo told us that since they were moving they don’t have a refrigerator. They are in short supply like almost everything there.

Pastor Adolfo & Maria with their children Daniel & David
Extend Your Hands to Help!

We told Adolfo and Maria that we would let you know about it, so that we could help them. They told us that a refrigerator will cost them $600 USD. You can help by giving a gift today. Please join us in praying for Adolfo and Maria and our familia on the Big Island. Join us also in extending your hands to make a generous gift to feed families that are in need.

Click to Donate…

In His Grip, Dave


  • By RJ Dawson
    Posted September 8, 2021 at 11:12 am

    Thank you David. I appreciate your posts and the wonderful work your group is involved in. I listened to the interview and was blessed by that. It is only through the Lord Jesus, I believe, that we can remain victorious through such trying and heart-breaking experiences and not only continue to serve Him but excel in our service by His strength and direction. Blessings to you, your family, and your partners in ministry.

  • By sustainabilitea
    Posted September 8, 2021 at 1:44 pm

    What a blessing to have such friends and support. That can make all the difference and allows your cup to be filled so you can keep filling the cups of all those others you support.

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted September 8, 2021 at 3:08 pm

      Thank you – we do pray and trust the Lord for His continual provision

  • By wilsonkatumba
    Posted September 8, 2021 at 11:21 pm

    Good work

  • By Shristy Singh
    Posted October 23, 2021 at 6:39 pm

    Can you follow my blog if you like my creations so you will get the notifications whenever I post something new…

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