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Celebrating Our Champions!

Mark Jekel and family

This last summer I wrote about my time with the Jekel family. They are some of our champions! Friends who stand with us in this ministry, and encourage us along the way. Dawn and I are thankful for such wonderful people. We thank the Lord for the army of people who stand with us.
Dawn and I just returned from our trip where we visited friends in three states, Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania. The places we visited are all about a two-hour radius from Washington, DC, which is one of our important bases of prayer and financial support.
While we were in the area we stayed with Mark Jekel and family for three days. I just love Mark’s sense of humor, so we always have a good time together. The Jekels organized a dessert for us to introduce us to three couples that go to their church. We had a great evening with them, and it was so encouraging to see their enthusiasm about what we are doing on the border.
New friends are usually fascinated by my story about when I was kidnapped, and then later held up at gunpoint. After sharing about our journey, and where God is leading us. One of the guys said, “I can’t just live a comfortable Christian life anymore.” Believe me, Dawn and I know we are cracked pots, but we are glad that our lives, in spite of our weaknesses, can be used to both encourage and challenge others to live for Christ. We are not only able to be used in the lives of others, but we also receive from them. It helps us to continue on this journey of faith.
Dave and Dawn with the Jekel’s

On Sunday we went to church with Mark and his family at Covenant Life in Gaithersburg, Maryland. It’s a very large church with about 4,000 people. They are part of the Sovereign Grace Ministries. There is a Sovereign Grace church in San Diego that we are seeking to partner with as we endeavor to reach the San Diego – Tijuana region. We realize we can’t reach this great bi-national city alone.
The senior pastor of Covenant Life, is Joshua Harris. He is the author of several books including, I Kissed Dating Goodbye, and Dug Down Deep. We had each of our kids read I Kissed Dating Goodbye. Hopefully they are following some of its principles, although some people might wonder if we are Amish, especially since we just visited Lancaster, PA! I can assure you the book doesn’t push the Amish lifestyle, so you don’t have to worry too much about us. 😉
Dawn and I met Josh’s dad, and his brothers at a conference in Denver about two years ago. It was good to meet Josh, and some of the other pastors after the service, and share with them about our ministry.
We are grateful for the Jekel family. They’ve blessed us in so many ways. We often pray that the Lord would increase their tribe. We need a number of friends who will stand with us in this ministry, and introduce us to their friends and/or church. I know we can’t do our work without the Lord’s blessing and provision, and we can’t do it without many people standing with us in prayer, and financially supporting us.
In my next post I will write about Roy and Diane Karkosh, and other partners that encourage us along the way.
In His Grip, Dave