Ty & Terri Schenzel
Mourning the Loss of My Friends
On Friday I was checking out some Facebook posts, and I noticed the picture of my friends, Ty & Terri Schenzel. Then when I explored further I was shocked to learn…
Vision & Strategy for the Border & the Baja
Lately I've been revisiting the vision and strategy for our team as we seek to make an impact for the kingdom on border and the Baja. God has given me some…
I Hate Saying Good-bye
The Diaso Family at the border - with the U.S./Mexico border fence in the background
One of the most difficult things about being a missionary is saying good-bye to family and all the people we love. It's…
Feed My Shepherds
Pastor Daniel Nuñez with the mic leading us in prayer at the pastors meeting for Lo Mejor del Trigo
One of the favorite things I enjoy about the work the Lord has called us to is connecting with…
God's Incredible Blessings!
Phases of Church building in Tijuana - Lo Mejor del Trigo Pipila
It's hard to believe that three years ago this month we said a tearful goodbye to friends and family in Colorado and headed for the border.…
God's Amazing Work!
Dave preaching at Monte Sion
The Lord gave us an incredible time on Sunday in Tijuana at Monte Sion with pastor Jaime Avila and his wife, Claudia. Pastor Jaime is just beginning to come into the Lo Mejor del…
God's Big Surprise!
The group from Skyview with some of the members from La Nueva JerusalénLast week Dawn, Hannah and I had such a wonderful experience in Ensenada. God is working there, and it's fun to watch him at work.
Sowing the Seed of the Word
Yudy leading one of the VBS classes
The seed of the Word of God is planted in many young hearts during VBS, but we don't always see immediate fruit. Dawn and I have met and…
Two World's Become One
Children Learning about Christ at VBS
This week Dawn, Hannah and I are partnering with Skyview Presbyterian from Denver and one of our national partners INP La Nueva Jerusalen (The New Jerusalem church). So far it's been…
God's Spirit is on the Move
Dave and Larry Trotter with Pastors Cesar Santizo, Felipe Hernandez, Benjamin Romero & Victor Hugo Herrera - leaders of the Presbytery called Fronterizo Noroccidental (Northwestern border presbytery)
I sense Jesus among us as Dawn and…