The Band of Brothers and Sisters
Pastor David Feiser, Pastor Victor Bravo, Dave & Pastor Daniel Nuñez celebrating the opening of Victor's church in Rosarito last year (What a great celebration it was!)
One of the things I love most about…
Reconnecting With Old Friends
Dieter Zander sharing his story at Oasis Community Church
This past summer I reconnected with some of my friends seminary, because my former roommate and good friend Ty Schenzel along with his wife, Terri were involved in…
Get Ready for Take-off!
Petri & Dave at Redeemer San Diego's missions conference sharing about the Ensenada project with Sue Harris and pastor Paul Kim
This year is getting off to a rocket like start, and I feel like I've hardly…
Taken from Sunset Cliffs in San Diego
Give Thanks!
"Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, Rejoice." —Philippians 4:4
One of my goals for this year is to practice Philippians 4:8. In this passage Paul exhorts the church to think on…
2016 Here We Go!
JD Pearring in the center on the left side sharing with the LMT leadership
2016 got off to a great start for us. Dawn, Hannah and I met with pastors and leaders from Lo Mejor del Trigo…
New Year, New Opportunities
I'm thankful for a new year with all the new opportunities. 2015 was an outstanding year in many ways. That's not to say that we didn't experience some difficult days, but the Lord brought us through…
God's Amazing Work of Grace in 2015!
Dave with Victor and Sol Bravo in front of their church
As we approach the end of 2015 it's a time to reflect on all that the Lord has done! A time to remember…
Jesus Brings Us Joy!
"'Tis the season to be jolly," as the Welsh and English Christmas melody goes. I concur with the sentiment of joy during this time of year. Yes, there are some negative elements, but I love that…
The Light on a Hill
Dave with Victor and Sol Bravo in front of their church
The light of Christ shines brightly in the community of Rosarito, Plan Libertador through our new church plant! We rejoice in what the Lord is…
You Prayed, God Answered!
Coaching Training
We asked you to pray for our coaching training that we held for pastors and leaders last week. God came through again! The Lord gave us a wonderful time with the pastors, leaders and missionaries that…