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Can’t Survive Without a Ministry Support Team

Dave speaking at Hidden Valley Presbyterian Church

Dawn and I are very grateful for our ministry support team. We realize that it would be impossible to be survive in ministry without friends everywhere standing with us in prayer and through financial support. Dawn and I have been married for almost 22 years, and during our entire marriage we have been involved in ministry. We have depended on the generosity of our ministry support team to be able to do what we do. We both were also supported by ministry support teams even before we were married. Many people wonder, “how do you do it?” Or they may say, “I could never do it.” Well, I must say that it isn’t one of the easiest things we do, but there are many benefits.
Here are some of the benefits:

  1. It builds our faith as we trust the Lord to provide for us.
  2. We meet many great people.
  3. Those that join our support team often become life-long friends.
  4. We have a number of people who pray for us, and are concerned for us as a direct result of our ministry support team.
  5. It’s encouraging that even some of the people that aren’t able to give financially help in other ways. Apart from praying from us, which is huge in and of itself, they may introduce us to their friends or their church. Often their friends will join our team. That’s a huge, and important help!
  6. Some of our biggest partners are people we met through other friends. They were friends of friends and now they’ve become our friends.
  7. We’ve been amazed by how our friends have responded to some of our needs.

Obviously, we now face a big challenge. It’s like hiking up Pikes Peak. We know what the goal is, we are walking towards it, but at certain points along the journey it’s harder to see the Peak. We are grateful that we don’t have to climb this mountain alone. We’ve set some financial goals that we’d like to meet, in order to reach our ultimate goal of ministering on the border, and reaching people for Christ. The Lord uses you to encourage us along the way. Just this week when I was a little down, because we hadn’t quite met our goal for the month. On that very day I got an email from some of our partners saying that they were increasing their giving substantially. That gave us a huge push forward. Praise the Lord! We appreciate all of you who take an interest in our lives, our family and our ministry. We appreciate your prayers and your gifts. We are on a mission together, which is exciting!
In His Grip, Dave
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