Dave, Dawn and Hannah with Mario, Silvia, Chivis, Cesia and Diane
We just returned from our amazing trip to San Diego. We had a wonderful time with Mario and Silvia Silva, their two girls, Chivis and Cesia, and their niece Diane.…
Worship at Harbor Mid City
It's always exciting to see new life. We get excited when friends announce a pregnancy, or a new birth. The Bible speaks of a party in heaven when someone the Lord touches comes to Christ, and…
David and his roommate, Matt May
Last Wednesday David began an exciting adventure with his roommate, Matt May. They left Colorado and drove out to San Diego. Dawn and I were able to be there to launch David on his college…
David with his Mom before he left for his big journey
We've got a lot going on the next week and a half as we head to the San Diego - Tijuana border. Here's some ways you can pray for us:
David Jr. with Ben, Susanna & Brain Griffith at the top of Incline - feeling good!
We are encouraged as we climb towards being fully funded, so we can serve on the border. Last week I hiked up the Manitou Incline…
Mexican - U.S. border
Many people ask me this question, is the border safe? Well, according an article I recently read in the USA Today, it depends on what side you live on. The article is titled, "On the border, peaceful…
Dave sharing with the Lighthouse Community
Even though at times I feel like a traveling salesman when I'm traveling around the U.S., I've come to realize that although we need our friends who live in other cities around the nation, we…
Stephen & Bradford Phelan from Harbor Mid City
I've just created a new page on our site called, Ministry Partners! We've received a number of positive comments about the ministries that we are partnering with, so I wanted to make it…
Dave with Jim Burke (far right) & friends from First Baptist
One of the huge benefits of traveling around and telling people our story is that many people pray for us. Some like you are praying for us from afar, but…
Mark Jekel with Amy and Anne
Mark Jekel and his wife along with their two girls, Amy and Anne are a lot of fun to be with. They are some more of our vital champions, our partners. The Jekel family were…