I Am Extremely Blessed!
I feel extremely blessed by many of the people we minister with. They are precious to us and to the Lord. Both Dawn and my lives are enriched by the special friends that God brings our…
Excited About the New Birth!
David & Jonathan in action (on the bottom left with their friend Jacob Betchol and on bottom right with me)
It is hard to contain my excitement over the latest new birth that our family has…
The Ron & Virginia Diaso Memorial Church
Dad & Mom, Ron and Virginia Diaso
Dawn and I just returned from a funeral for one of my best friends, who I've known since I was 5 years old. His name is Rod…
a on the Big Island. Every month Dawn and I are sending aid to help the pastors, their families, the people in their church and those in their community. It’s always wonderful to hear the stories of how the Lord…
Our Familia in Living in Crisis
Some of our familia on the Big Island
I’ve been wanting to write about the ongoing crisis that our familia has been going through on the Big Island for sometime. I know that many are…
Memorial Day Brings Back Memories
Virginia & Ron Diaso’s Wedding Photo (a good looking couple)
I remember when I was growing up that my grandma, Joan Diaso, used to tell us what a bad time of year her birthday fell on.…
Launching a New Church in Mexicali Today
Dave & Dawn with the Muñoz family - front row: Junior and Paola; back row: Damaris, Dave, Daniel, Federico, Blanca, David, Dawn
Today is an important day. Not only do we remember those who…
Churches planted means lives changed – lives transformed by the gospel. Thank you Jesus for your great and mighty work!
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