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A Sweet Reunion in Mexico

Mexico Dear to Our Hearts

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Dave & Dawn with the Cisneros Family
Our time in Mexico City after so many years has been special in so many ways. Dawn, Hannah and I (wish David & Jonathan could be here with us 🙂 ) have so many good memories of our time here. It’s been healing to reconnect with the city and the people.
It reminds me some of the first time we visited Chula Vista about 6 years ago. The visit reawakened something in us. I think in part our love for Mexico and her people. The time in Mexico City has been good in so many ways. It reminds me of God’s love for us and for the people here.
As I get older I find myself growing more sentimental. When we first saw some of our friends here after so many years I began to get emotional. I feel like the Spirit is doing a work in my heart.

A Sweet Reunion

Dave & Angel share a tender embrace
This last Wednesday, Dawn and I were able to meet with the Cisneros family. They are the first family that I really got to know when I came to Mexico the first time in 1985. I was single at the time. The Cisneros family is a very loving family and they have a deep commitment to serve the Lord. They’ve embraced Dawn, our family and me.
They’ve served with Campus Crusade, Operation Mobilization and other ministries.
When I walked in the door and saw Angel we embraced and as I greeted the others I had to hold back the tears of joy. It ministered to my soul in ways that only God can do. There is something special about being reunited with a family that I’ve known for such a long time and we’ve passed through a lot together.
Dawn and I felt very loved by them the moment we walked in the door.

Encouragement and Tears

Dave sharing the gospel in Mexico City with Isabel Cisneros
Dave with Feli Cisneros at UNAM in 1986
Before we left I wanted to encourage them from the Word about some things that the Lord has been teaching me. As I shared more, and begin to tell them about some of the trials our family has passed through I began to cry. I don’t cry a lot, but I am becoming a little more tender.
I think I cried in part because, yes we’ve been through some very painful experiences. Also, the Spirit was working in me, and I wanted to be able to encourage them from my heart.
Well anyway, before long most if not all of us were crying even the guys. Dawn says she was surprised, she couldn’t remember a time when she was in a group and all the men were crying.
God was in our midst. He was strengthening and encouraging us in a very significant way.
Then we spent some time in prayer, and we all left feeling lifted up. Wow! I long for more times like that in my life!
Those that are part of the Cisneros family are heroes to me! God has used them in a significant way in my life, and I know in the life of many others. May the Lord continue to bless them and increase their fold. Also, may the Lord allow us to see each other more frequently. I know that I need it! Hallelujah!
In His Grip, Dave


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