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Giving Thanks for God’s Good Gifts!

Jonathan, Pastor Mere and Dave
Jonathan, Pastor Mere and Dave

This last Friday I experienced one of the best days I’ve had in a long time. Even though this last year has been hard as my family and I have been mourning Hannah’s moving to heaven, the Lord has blessed us with some exceptional experiences, especially lately.
What made Friday so special?
Two main reasons. First, I spent the whole day with one of my son’s, Jonathan. It’s always a special time when I can be with David and Jonathan. We enjoyed driving out to Mexicali and having wonderful interaction along the way. It encourages me so much to see how Jonathan has grown in his love for Christ since his sister moved to heaven. He could have become bitter and angry at God. Instead he’s pushed into Christ and grown tremendously. This is one of the legacies I feel that Hannah has left. The impact she left on both of her brothers. Thank you, Lord for redeeming the pain of Hannah’s early homegoing!

The Foundation is being Laid

The foundation for the new church in Mexicali, Mexico
The foundation for the new church in Mexicali, Mexico

The second reason is we went to Mexicali to see the foundation being poured for the new church that we are building to honor Hannah. It filled me up to overflowing to see this dream becoming a reality. Thank you, Jesus!
I also enjoyed spending some time with the church planter and his wife. Pastor Mere Godinez and his wife, Edna. Mere and his father-in-law, Rafael were working hard laying the foundation for the church.
Some of the neighbors who are interested in seeing the church built were also there. The church actually is right next to Alfonso and Cristina’s house. They used to live in Tijuana and they attended one of the Ministerios Transformación churches in TJ. That’s what brought about the connection. Alfonso and Cristina moved back to Mexicali and they started praying that the Lord would raise up a church in their community.

Years of Prayer for This New Church

Cristina with her three children - she prayed for 3 years for this church!
Cristina with her three children – she prayed for 3 years for this church!

Cristina told me that she prayed for three years that the Lord would bring a church to the community that they live in, which is just outside of Mexicali. The church is close to an hour from the Mexicali – El Centro border crossing.
I loved learning about how the Lord is already working in this community preparing the people to receive the Word of Life. Cristina said that her mom even felt a number of years ago that the Lord was going to build a church on the land right next to the house. Even though they’ve only lived in the house the last few years, they’ve owned the property for a number of years.
The last church we helped Ministerios Transformación start in Rosarito was built and inaugurated the day before Hannah moved to heaven. That church has struggled some to get going. There have been a number of obstacles, and we’ve felt much opposition there. We know as we move into new communities we are bringing the light into dark places. There is a battle that rages on. We are still praying and hopeful that the church in Rosarito will experience breakthrough and make a difference in the community.

Light in the Darkness

This church in Mexicali represents new hope as Christ shines in a place where there is much need. Pray with us as we work with Pastor Mere, his wife Edna and the ministry of Ministerios Transformación to build this church on the weekend of April 14 and 15.
There is still time to help us build this church. We’ve been given a matching fund as we continue to raise funds for this project. You can give online here.

click to give online
click to give online

Thanks so much for standing with us in prayer. Our battle is not against flesh and blood! We give thanks for your love and support you’ve shown us in a number ways as we move forward and continue serving the Lord!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Mary Lichlyter
    Posted February 26, 2018 at 7:42 am

    Love your posts!  Continuing to pray.   Mary

    • By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
      Posted February 26, 2018 at 10:59 am

      Thank you. We appreciate your prayers!

  • By Don Grabow
    Posted February 26, 2018 at 9:04 am

    Thanks for sharing David, I also continue pray for the church in Rosarito that you speak of, and I pray this new will be a beacon of hope in its community and I continue to pray for you and your family .

  • By alice
    Posted February 27, 2018 at 6:44 am


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