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A New Birth in Rosarito – 2nd Trimester

Rosarito Church Plant

The new church in Rosarito!
The new church in Rosarito!

Today we are headed down to Rosarito, Mexico to finish up the church that we started last week. I’m thrilled, those that are going down to build the church are excited, and pastor Victor and his wife, Sol can’t wait.
We have a big group of 50 joining us to finish up this project. We will put up the dry wall, shingle the roof, and put in the electric sockets.
Some of the people from our group will also go out in the community to invite the people to the inaugural service that will be held on Sunday, March 29th.

Pray For God’s Loving Care

Pastor Victor Bravo and Sol
Pastor Victor Bravo and Sol

Pray with us that the Lord cares for our group, and gives us a wonderful day. Last week we saw God come through in giving Hannah and Dawn a good day while David and I were in Mexico. Pray that Hannah and Dawn will have another awesome day today!
Pray for Victor and Sol as they lead this new church. I spoke with Victor a couple of days ago, and he’s so encouraged. It’s a dream come true for both Sol and him. They had tear filled eyes last week when they saw the building standing.

The Lord Lifts Us UP!

Dawn and I have been walking through a deep valley over the last two months, so we are so grateful to see something like this happening. Even in the darkness there is light. Because of all a church represents – the changed lives, the gospel going forth, the kingdom expanding, etc. it’s one of the highlights of the year for us.
Last week I wrote about my fears, and some of the struggles I was going through, but God lifted us up this week. The Lord continues to come through for us, and show up even as journey on this long and winding road.

Kingdom Advance in Tijuana

Jeff Sloan, Pastor Ivan Casados & David Jr. - they all worked on the church last week
Jeff Sloan, Pastor Ivan Casados & David Jr. – they all worked on the church last week

Another thing that lifted me out of the pit this week was the time I spent with pastor Ivan Casados. Last year at this time we were building the church for Ivan. Now every time I’m with him he shares how God is blessing and how the church is growing and reaching out.
Ivan told me about a couple in the community that recently gave their lives to Christ. Now they are growing in their faith. God is good!
The church has also started going to El Bordo, where many homeless people live on the border. They are taking food to the people and sharing the love of Christ with them. One of the men who’s struggled with addictions dedicated his life to our savior, and now he is in a rehab center near Ivan’s church.
Rejoice with me, for the good work our Lord is doing on the border and beyond!
In His Grip, Dave


  • By Pieter Stok
    Posted March 23, 2015 at 6:50 pm

    There is a wonderful spirit in this blog! May God continue to uphold you as a family and community.

    • By diasolifeontheborder
      Posted March 23, 2015 at 8:17 pm

      Thank you- that is very encouraging to hear. I’m going to send some more good news about this latest church start on Tuesday

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