The Church Marches Forward in TJ
Pastor Daniel Nuñez leading the missions service for Ministerios Transformación
As the church advances there is often opposition. Should we be surprised? I think Jesus even promised us that in this world we would encounter…
The Journey Continues
Dawn, Jon, Hannah, David Jr. and Dave at the border - with the U.S./Mexico border fence in the background
Last year at this time are family was going through some deep waters. At times, it felt like hell on…
Vision of a White Horse
What do you picture in your mind when you think of a white horse? I mean apart from being white, what does the horse look like? What does the horse signify? These are questions that I've…
Renuevo - A Church Plant to Renew Center City Ensenada
We are super excited about the new church planting project in Ensenada that we are launching this year! The city of Ensenada, México has a population of about 500,000. It lies…
We Still Need More Workers!
Dave preaching at Grace Renewal Church
Today (Sunday) I preached on Matthew 9:35-38, which contains the passage that says, "the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few." It's one of my favorite passages. I think…

The Band of Brothers and Sisters
Pastor David Feiser, Pastor Victor Bravo, Dave & Pastor Daniel Nuñez celebrating the opening of Victor's church in Rosarito last year (What a great celebration it was!)
One of the things I love most about…