Grace Renewal
Dick Kaufmann my friend and mentor
One of the many things that I've loved about working with Harbor Church is their emphasis on grace. Pastor Dick Kaufmann when he started Harbor about 14 years ago sought to emphasize a…
Dave preaching
Are You Living Worthy of the Gospel?
Paul exhorts the Philippians to live their lives worthy of the gospel.
"Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you…
The Battle Rages On
Sunset on the Pacific
Over the last couple weeks I've met with some of the pastors that I'm coaching and encouraging, and they are going through some difficult times. That's why the question of, who will win…
David's Graduation
David's graduation from San Diego Christian College class of 2014
Wow! What a weekend!
Graduation weekend for our oldest son, David Diaso Jr. It's hard to believe that he's already done with college. It doesn't seem like that long ago…
Our hope for the Border
A friend of mine, Susie Fikse who went with her family to one of our recent outreach trips to Tijuana just wrote a helpful article on immigration issues. Click on the link to read the article Immigration: Reforming Hearts…
God's Work Through Mario & Silvia
Silvia, Chivis, Mario & little Daniel
I had a wonderful time when I was in Mexico City last week. I loved the opportunity to see the city after so many years, and to reconnect with some…
La Capital - Mexico City
The Cathedral in the Zocalo in Mexico City
It’s hard to believe that it’s been so long, 12 years since I’ve visited this city, which I once called home. I remember how hard it was to…
Thank You Jesus for Your Good Work
The Zocalo - Mexico City's center with the National Palace in the background
I give thanks to the Lord for giving me the chance to come back to Mexico City after 12 years. I…
The Lord Works Through Us
Dave with Peter Boling, Larry Trotter and Jim DeWitt in Los Cabos
I'm writing this post from Mexico City, a place that was home to us for almost 10 years. I arrived here from Los Cabos…