Dawn and I give thanks for the Lord’s faithfulness and his powerful work in the lives of the leaders that we are working with. Thank you, Jesus!
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Celebration of Life: Dad & Mom
I feel bad saying this, but it’s a relief to get through the funeral services for my parents. It took more than three months from the time my mom moved to heaven on March…
Dad’s casket - the white box to the right is where Mom’s remains are. They were buried together
A week ago today on June 8th we laid my dad’s remains to rest. Since my mom was cremated they were both…
My Hardest Post
Ronald John Diaso 6/19/1935-5/26/2020
I feel like this is one of the hardest posts that I’ve ever had to write. It was hard to write about my daughter’s home going and my mom’s recent graduation as well. This…
Laying Mom to Rest
Mom’s graveside ceremony
On May 1st, two weeks ago today we laid my mom to rest. It wasn’t an easy day, but I did feel the peace of the Lord through the prayers of so many…
Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
My dad and me with my mom at my brother John’s wedding
Today we will commit my mom, Virginia Diaso’s remains to the earth. You can read my tribute to mom here…
Earth to earth,…
Covid-19, Missing Mom & Feeling Down
Missing Mom
Early last week I was feeling a little down. It started sinking in more that my mom is gone, and that I won’t see her again until I join her in heaven.…
A Life Well Lived
Virginia A Diaso - November 5, 1935 - March 19, 2020
I’m not quite sure how to start this tribute to my mom, Virginia A Diaso. How do you encapsulate a life of 84 years into just…
Celebrating 31 years!
I give thanks for my wife, Dawn!
Today is a special day. Dawn and I celebrate our 31st anniversary today! As Proverbs 31 says, “an excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels” (Proverbs…