How do we Handle All the Negativity?

On Saturday I was listening to some sermons and talks as I was mowing the lawn. It’s one of the things that I enjoy doing while I take care of our yard. Often, the Lord meets me and encourages me during this time. I did feel more hopeful after listening to these messages a couple days ago.

I use YouTube to listen to a number of these sermons and talks. Later in the day, on Saturday, I decided to watch some news on YouTube as well. Someone had suggested a particular feed, which was supposed to be more positive. Unfortunately, the news I was finding was very disheartening. After I watched it I felt anxious.
I forgot about the news and watched the movie, Greyhound. It’s an entertaining, although intense movie. It got my mind off of the news at least for a little while. Then as the movie was ending I began to feel heavy, and I wasn’t sure why at first. Then I remembered the news reports I had watched about what was going on in some of our major cities. Of course, it doesn’t help that on top of all the bad news that I’ve recently lost both of my parents within a 67 day period.
I prayed for the Lord’s peace and came against fear and heaviness in Jesus name. This gave me peace.
After that experience, I began to think about how much negative news there is today. The COVID-19 crisis has dragged on much longer than any us hoped it would. There’s been so much social unrest and political divisiveness. And if you are on social media at all even Christians are posting messages that aren’t edifying. It can bring you down if you spend too much time there.
Our Biblical Hope

All of this is swirling around right now. It’s the ambiance that we are living in, and it does make it harder to maintain our biblical hope. When we think of biblical hope, it’s not a wish, but rather an assurance. It is an assurance of God’s goodness. He is true to His promises and to work everything out for good.
Paul encourages us in various passages to be disciplined in our thinking. To think with a renewed mind, Romans 12:2. To take every thought to the obedience of Christ, 2 Corinthians 10:4,5. To think about what is good, peaceable, excellent, and pure, Philippians 4:8,9.
This is an important discipline for each of us. We must recognize that our warfare is not against flesh and blood. It is against rulers and authorities, against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places, Ephesians 6:11. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, and he doesn’t play fair.
Since it’s a spiritual war, our weapons are not carnal. Paul exhorts us to put on the whole armor of God, so that we might stand firm, Ephesians 6:13. Our enemy is sly, he is evil, and he also has a measure of ungodly wisdom.
As we stand our ground we remember who we are in Christ. I love to pray and to proclaim the wonderful promises found in God’s Word. I seek to do this every day, and it lifts me up. I pray this way for our church planters and for my family. The Lord responds and He answers. He is a good and loving Father.
We are Victorious in Christ!

We are triumphant and victorious in Christ. Hallelujah!
I’ve found it important to incorporate worship into my prayer life. Worship is an effective weapon against the attacks of the enemy. Martin Luther and many leaders since have claimed that worship is one of the most effective ways to defeat the enemy.
The Waymaker
Waymaker and The Blessing are two of the songs the Lord has used to minister to me during this time of walking through the valley. He is indeed the waymaker!
The Blessing
Lines for Food and Basic Needs Still Exist

Often, when I’m going through a difficult time, or I’m having a bad day I think about my friends in Mexico, or on the Big Island. My friends, our family on the Big Island tell us how the scarcity continues. They struggle to buy the food and basic necessities that they need. They have to stand in long lines all day just to survive. When I think of them and what they are living through it helps me to put things in perspective and to pray for them.
That is also one of the reasons I keep bringing up their needs. They need our help. We’ve been able to help more than 300 people, numerous families and pastors. Dawn and I continue to pray and hope that things will improve and that they will begin to have an easier time getting the food that they need. So far that hasn’t happened.
Extend Your Hands to Help Those in Need

Your generosity is a huge help. The needs are real and they continue, so consider a gift today! Thank you.

In His Grip, Dave
By Pure Glory
Dave, God is blessing you in the midst of your grief and making a way out of no way. The tears you are shedding, will be poured back on you in joy. In the darkest night, Father God is holding you tight. Love how what the enemy of our souls, means for evil, God turns for good and saves many. You will see a turnaround!
The mainstream media wants to spread fear and hopelessness. But God gives us hope and his light shines brighter than the darkest night. Jesus overcame and is interceding for you at the right hand of our Father. Light casts out darkness and your pain is not in vain. His love triumphs! Prayers for you, your wife and family and to all those that you minister. Nothing can separate you from the wonderful love of God!
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
Very encouraging. Thank you so much for your prayers and your words of encouragement
By DiasoLifeOnTheBorder
Last night my wife and I went to an event in northern San Diego where we were able to worship with many others on beach – a very powerful time. I pray the Lord is beginning to awaken the church and bring about revival to our land!
By Equipping Site
Thanks for your like of my post, “Honoring The Sabbath;” you are very kind. Please continue with the good work that I have seen in your own blog.
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