Rolando - His Horse & Carriage
Rolando in the striped shirt taking families home from church
This last week was quite a week. We received an urgent message on Friday from our friends Pastor Mario and Yany that someone had stolen…
Testimonies of God at Work
Pastor Davis & Luz
I like to look for positive stories. Stories and testimonies that display the goodness of God, and how He is at work. This is especially important while we are going through this…
Extending Our Hands to Help Those in Need
Families that we've helped by extending our hands in love
In one of my last posts I wrote about the tremendous needs in Cuba and friends helping hands, "Manos Amigas". Hands of friends…
“Manos Amigas” Friends Hands
Pastor Luis & May with a number of people who have been helped by the gifts that have been sent.
Our familia is so grateful for the gifts that we’ve been able to send to them so…
Scarcity in Cuba
Our heart is breaking this week as we receive messages from our familia, our pastor familia in Cuba. Daily we are receiving news about the lack of transportation, food, and basic necessities during the lockdown due…
Giving Thanks for God's Good Gifts!
Jonathan, Pastor Mere and Dave
This last Friday I experienced one of the best days I've had in a long time. Even though this last year has been hard as my family and I have…
Dawn with Hannah
Dawn shared this a couple of days ago on Facebook, and I thought she did a wonderful job of expressing her own pain, and how she can identify with Mary the mother of Jesus. Since we are in…
I Must Keep My Eyes on Jesus
A fun time at our Christmas posada with our friends - the day the music came back to life!
Don Mclean's song, American Pie, sings about the day the music died. The song uses…
Thankful for our Friends and Partners!
Ministerios Transformación pastoral couples and wonderful friends!
Last night (Sunday) Dawn and I celebrated the coming of Christ and gave thanks for all that the Lord has done over the past year with our friends…
God's Amazing Work of Grace in 2015!
Dave with Victor and Sol Bravo in front of their church
As we approach the end of 2015 it's a time to reflect on all that the Lord has done! A time to remember…