Scarcity in Cuba

Our heart is breaking this week as we receive messages from our familia, our pastor familia in Cuba. Daily we are receiving news about the lack of transportation, food, and basic necessities during the lockdown due to COVID-19.
Even while I was on the Big Island last month, in March they were already dealing with the scarcity of many basic needs. There were long lines for chicken to the point in one city two women fought over getting their food. One of the women was killed in the altercation.
Compassion for Neighbors in Crisis

Now some families are literally starving. Just a couple of days ago. One of the pastors, Lucas* and Maria* who we work with heard a child of one of their neighbors crying in the night. Maria told Lucas that she sensed that the child was crying because of hunger. The next day she went to their home and sure enough, they didn’t have any food to give to the children.
Maria went home and brought them some hot rice and beans. She said when their neighbor saw her with the hot food she came out of her house with tears in her eyes. She told Maria that a few days ago her husband left her for another woman. Now she was all alone with her two children to fend for herself in the middle of this crisis.
Maria said when she heard her neighbor’s story she lifted up a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord and said, “thank you Lord for David and Leti.” All of our friends in Latin America call Dawn, “Leti”. Maria gave thanks for how the Lord used us, because we had just sent them some financial help. We felt led to do this, because of our love and concern for them. We call them our familia. It was disconcerting to hear all the stories of desperation.
You can Help!

Dawn and I would like to encourage you to send help as well. The average salary in Cuba is $25 a month, many receive less than that, so even a small gift helps. To send a gift we have a tax deductible 501(c)3 nonprofit, called Beyond Borders.
- You can give online here…
- Via check write your check out to Beyond Borders
- Send the check to Beyond Borders
- 665 Crescent Dr. Chula Vista, CA 91911

Also, please join us in prayer for the needs of our pastors, their congregation and the people of Cuba. They are wonderful people who have tremendous needs now. There are many pastors who live day to day, hand to mouth and they aren’t able to work to generate any income because of the Coronavirus. Our pastors, their congregation and their neighbors are all in need of food and can use our financial support during this crisis.
Maria told us that after she brought her neighbor a hot meal. She later gave her some of the items they had just purchased with the money we sent, rice, oil, salt, sugar, bread, and some ground pork. The neighbor cried the whole time with tears of gratitude.
When I shared this with Dawn she started crying. She was moved to compassion for our familia and the people in need in Cuba. Dawn was concerned about where the money would come from to help this precious family and so many others who are in need.

Join us in making a difference in Cuba today! Make a donation to help those who are in need and faithfully serving Christ! Remember to daily lift them up in prayer.

In His Grip, Dave
1 Comment
By sustainabilitea
How sad and how blessed we are with our first world problems such as being bored at home. 🙁
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